school bullys and weirdos
14 years, 11 months & 1 day ago

14th Apr 2010 14:34
hi who probably know who i am. anyways this is my journal where i tell you what happens at my school. and trust me it can get really interesting. this is just the intro so you know what its about. exit out of this page and you will see the topics below this blog. thanks byee
test ur lips
15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago

4th Jul 2009 09:56
idk dont waist ur time and if you finish reading this
ur a total dummy and ur ganna live a life as a hobo when you grow up
chain letters
15 years, 8 months & 12 days ago

4th Jul 2009 09:48
dont be afarid of chain letters there never going to happen..
for example
there is a story of a young boy who loves to be on computers. he checks his emails every 25 min and every 25 min he would usually have atleast 7 replays back. but one day he got a chain letter email that said "i have no face
and i have killed and tortured before now if you dont send this to 9 people and 9 people maxamom than i will be seeing you tonight. i will come to you in the night while your sleeping than take you away and stab you 666 times. then i will put you back in ur bed." and the boy didnt do any of those things he didnt send them...... and he was found dead the next morning. his mother counted 666 wounds in his body.......
now back to the real world. (this story was fake) you
shouldnt be afraid... just think
1. how will they find you
2. whats the point
and 3. your parents would never let anything
happen to you.
chain letters like the one above ppl who send them (aka start the chain letters to get a good laugh out of how many ppl sent them.
hi! read read read!!
16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

11th Jan 2009 15:13
hi im nachoslvr579!! have you heard of club penguin?? well its awsome!!! i am a member you can get cards at target if you look in the tec area!! try it out i did!