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Marapets is mobile friendly
always buying missing photos @ 25k each!

Here are some photoshops by attie that depict me nicely

  1. Missing poops
    11th Oct 2019 06:32
    5 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  2. Plushies needed for sewer cleaner mission
    29th Sep 2018 03:26
    6 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  3. Chibi Art
    11th Feb 2018 12:54
    7 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  4. Goals tracking
    22nd Dec 2017 06:34
    7 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  5. L.H.
    28th Oct 2017 08:14
    7 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  6. Goals
    22nd Aug 2017 07:22
    7 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  7. I just wanted to make a blog for the people i love
    13th Sep 2009 03:43
    15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  8. Sam's SCRIBBLES (:
    8th Nov 2008 04:08
    16 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  9. The Sam Fan Club!
    18th Oct 2008 05:43
    16 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  10. Sounds sad, but..
    27th Aug 2008 14:19
    16 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
7 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
22nd Aug 2017 07:22

Been a while since I posted a blog like this but I wanna start keeping track of my goals so I'm more inclined to actually try and fulfil them!

[x] Quipped into a Chibi Pucu
[ ] Alynets Gourmets
[ ] Complete Dukka Gallery
[x] Buy EPM Instructions
[x] Buy Fishing Treasure Map
[ ] Buy 2 EPGB
[x] Buy Whirlpool Treasure Map
[x] Pew into an Alien Dakota
[x] Balsco into a Bug Troit (ily Reign)
[x] Complete Christmas Treasure Map
[ ] Rename Marj
[ ] Make Marj Sleepy
[ ] Hairy costume for Diddly

Dukka Coins needed

Fifty Five Dukka Coin
Four Hundred Dukka Coin
Four Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Five Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Six Hundred Dukka Coin
Six Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Seven Hundred Dukka Coin
Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Eight Hundred Dukka Coin
Eight Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Nine Hundred Dukka Coin
Nine Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Two Thousand Dukka Coin
Three Thousand Dukka Coin
Four Thousand Dukka Coin
Five Thousand Dukka Coin
Six Thousand Dukka Coin
Seven Thousand Dukka Coin
Eight Thousand Dukka Coin
Nine Thousand Dukka Coin
Ten Thousand Dukka Coin

I just wanted to make a blog for the people i love
15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
13th Sep 2009 03:43

and to show why they're so amazing happy.gif

if I missed you, post a comment, it's not because i don't love you,
it's because there's too many of you guys wink.gif

Middy, i've known you like forever,
and you've been lovely to me like forever.
i'm rly annoying, and i'm sorry, you do realize there's a block button don't you? happy.gif
thankyou for everything ever <3 ily soso much wub.gif

I haven't known you all too long, but you've been so lovely to me since the minute we met.
You've caught me at a bad time [The time i decided to blow my money on scratchies :drool:]
but i'mma buy you more hearts soon happy.gif

Lena you're owesome k,
feeding my addiction is what you do. happy.gif Thankyou for being such a good friend, and thanks for supporting me in my addiction xD
I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (:

I'm so sad you quit so you won't actually see this, but you're such a special friend, and I owe you at least this happy.gif
I've known you since pretty much the beginning, and i'll never forget when you saved me from blitzen failure.
You're such a special friend, i love you wub.gif

I haven't know you very long either! And i'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot,
I have a tendency to do that. But i'm glad we're friends now happy.gif Thanks for being so nice, and for everything happy.gif

Zel you're so amazing,
we haven't spoke in a long long time, but you've always been an awesome friend.
I'ma have to apologize to you too, i'm so damn annoying a lot of the time tongue.gif
Thanks for putting up with me! Love you happy.gifwub.gif

Dawgz, you're forever making me graphics that I don't have to pay for, and they're always beautiful, don't put yourself down happy.gif I will pay you one day, trust me. And thankyou for everything ever biggrin.gifwub.gif

Sry dude, I have only known you for like 5 minutes, but you're awesome rite happy.gif
Thanks maaaaaaaaan biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

and probably more (:

& here's why.
i won't say who sent what, because they'll get harassed by newbs forever if i do, but they know what they sent biggrin.gif

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Jenoa Riches Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from -----------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Santa Female Costume from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Devil Female Costume from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ---------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ----------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Jenoa Riches Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Dukka Caves Fortune Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a One Thousand Dukka Coin from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Two Hundred And Fifty Dukka Coin from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a One Hundred Dukka Coin from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a One Hundred And Fifty Dukka Coin from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Four Hundred Dukka Coin from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Six Hundred Dukka Coin from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Three Hundred Dukka Coin from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Five Hundred Dukka Coin from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from -----------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from -----------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from -----------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Dukka Riches Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Dukka Town Suprise Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from -------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ----------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Goldmine Scratchcard from ---------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Pirates Pearl Scratchcard from --------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Middy from --------! [x6]

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Gift Wrapped Female Costume from ------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Teenage Witch Female Costume from ------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Undying Fairy Female Costume from ------------!

Dear sam1232015 You have been sent a Captains Loot Scratchcard from ------------!

I also got given bucketloads of x marks the spot, shiver me timbers, buried treasure and treasure hunt scratchcards, but it would have made this blog miles long if i'd have added each and every one.

thank you guys all so much, i love you all


16 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
8th Nov 2008 04:08

So the boards got a bit on top of me, but I managed to finish all siggies posted.

I think this is a better idea though,

Just post your request here, so if I forget it, I can find again.

I have two types, scribbles & name scribbles.


I can take requests, but cannot guarantee I will be able to make what you ask.

name scribbles;

obviously I take requests on these.


Scribble form-

Name scribble form-
Which type?; [from examples]
Colour[s] of letters;
credit colour?; [this is basically what colour you want my name in the corner to be]

please do not mail me, there's a chance it could go missing, post here happy.gif

ALL graphics are 1k (:


The Sam Fan Club!
16 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
18th Oct 2008 05:43

If you're a fan of Sam [me], then post on this blog,
and I'll name and shame you all <3


There be;
Jehs smile.gif
Utensil happy.gif
Rach [Daisy4000] wub.gif
Flower thumbsup.gif
Nsmmeg happy.gif,
Frankfurty11 biggrin.gif,
Baylee tongue.gif,
Ryan [Flameswarren] <3,
Catsarenottoys smile.gif,
ROCKEH wub.gif
SiriusSeriousBlack (:
coolgarl cool.gif
Laurah biggrin.gif
dolfin wub.gif
meowpurrpurr <3
stenter (:
godsgrl tongue.gif
angel smile.gif
maradood wink.gif
Leenersatun wacko.gif
Kitaly happy.gif
d4l4t4 biggrin.gif
Newth <3
PPP biggrin.gif
Baylee (:
PPP [2?] wacko.gif
Lunar thumbsup.gif
ZOMGHEY wub.gif


Sounds sad, but..
16 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
27th Aug 2008 14:19

I'm starting a petition for an Alternative Languages forum, anyone who wants to sign, post a comment on this blog, or mail me.


  1. Missing poops
    11th Oct 2019 06:32
    5 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  2. Plushies needed for sewer cleaner mission
    29th Sep 2018 03:26
    6 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  3. Chibi Art
    11th Feb 2018 12:54
    7 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  4. Goals tracking
    22nd Dec 2017 06:34
    7 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  5. L.H.
    28th Oct 2017 08:14
    7 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  6. Goals
    22nd Aug 2017 07:22
    7 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  7. I just wanted to make a blog for the people i love
    13th Sep 2009 03:43
    15 years, 5 months & 30 days ago
  8. Sam's SCRIBBLES (:
    8th Nov 2008 04:08
    16 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  9. The Sam Fan Club!
    18th Oct 2008 05:43
    16 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  10. Sounds sad, but..
    27th Aug 2008 14:19
    16 years, 6 months & 16 days ago