17 years, 8 months & 3 days ago

13th Jul 2007 13:35
Roseatte is a beautiful Pink Feliz who is very vain. She is constantly checking her hair, makeup, and clothing to be sure it is just right. Roseatte has to be up-to-date on the latest fashion trends. The most recent, the Fasoro Character Costume, is highly popular and she keeps begging me to get one. She can't stand to have an owner who is not wearing the latest designer clothes.
17 years, 8 months & 3 days ago

13th Jul 2007 13:28
avvieman was traded to me for a Halloween Newth. He was used by his previous owner to get the Prisoner Avatar, hence his name 'avvieman'. His favorite games are Sudoku and Rofling Gold.
17 years, 8 months & 3 days ago

13th Jul 2007 13:21
Omma is my Witch Feliz. She is always casting spells and conjuring potions when no one is looking. She keeps her profession a secret, but it definitely shows through in her physical appearance. Omma is a kindly woman who is always taking in strays and caring for them. She is not the kind of witch that uses strays in her potions, though.