Heartless Treasure Chest
7 years & 30 days ago

12th Feb 2018 01:42
[] Crown Biscuit
[W] Crown of Hearts
[] Diamond Stockings
[W] Heart Scepter
[] Heartless Choker Necklace
[] Heartless Dress
[] Heartless Leggings
[] Heartless Shoes
[C] Heartless Tales
[] Heartless Wig
[] Heartling
[] Painted Roses
[] Queen of Hearts Blouse
[W] Queen of Hearts Skirt
[] Red Knight Belt
[] Red Knight Chest Plate
[] Red Knight Gauntlets
[] Red Knight Shoes
[C] Rose Cupcake
[] Sword of Tyranny
[] Timeless Boots
[W] Timeless Shirt
[W] Timeless Shorts
[] Timeless Top Hat
[W] Timeless Vest
[] Timeless Wig
News and Mags needed Feb 18
7 years, 1 month & 11 days ago

31st Jan 2018 00:53
Happy to swap for magazines, papers, plates, photos that are needed as per my blogs.
No old magazines or newspapers are needed, thanks
Pls try to keep values similar.
I dont accept current month items for retired ones.
Mags and News done please offer plates or photos
News and Mags needed Jan 18
7 years, 2 months & 11 days ago

1st Jan 2018 01:34
Happy to swap for magazines, papers, plates, photos that are needed as per my blogs.
No old magazines or newspapers are needed, thanks
Pls try to keep values similar.
I dont accept current month items for retired ones.
Done woo hoo - pls offer plates or photos as per my blogs..
Christmas 2017
7 years, 3 months & 5 days ago

7th Dec 2017 01:25
Secret Santa:
Gift item
[A]A Christmas Story
[CA]Christmas Macaroons
[A]Driving Home for Christmas
[CA]Holly Pearl
[CA]Holly Stamp
[C]Linzer Bars
[CA]Linzer Cookies
[WA]Minature Santa Hat
[PCA]Penguin Plushie
[CA]Penguin Stamp
[WA]Penguin Summoning Stone
[WA]Santa Beard
[WA]Seasonal Short Dress
[WA]Sheer Santa Top
[WA]Snowy Trees
[X]Beige Peppermint Present
[X]Beige Seasonal Present
[X]Brown Peppermint Present
[0]Chilled Beige Present
[X]Chilled Brown Present
[X]Chilled Navy Present
[0]Chilled Olive Present
[0]Coral Seasonal Present
[0]Lilac Peppermint Present
[X]Lilac Seasonal Present
[0]Magenta Seasonal Present
[X]Navy Peppermint Present
[X]Navy Seasonal Present
[X]Olive Peppermint Present
[0]Orange Peppermint Present
[X]Red Seasonal Present
[0]Tall Brown Present
[X]Tall Coral Present
[X]Tall Lilac Present
[0]Tall Magenta Present
[X]Tall Teal Present
[X]Tall White Present
[X]Tall Yellow Present
[0]Teal Peppermint Present
[X]Yellow Seasonal Present
[WA]Broken Angel Wings
[WA]Broken Halo
[PA]Burnt Presents
[WA]Coffee Cup
[CA]Creepy Eyes Glowing Egg
[WA]Creepy Grin
[CA]Dark Linzer Cookies
[WA]Giant Candycane
[CA]Hoofprint Book
[C]Krampus Claw
[C]Krampus Cupcake
[C]Krampus Ear
[CA]Krampus Hoof
[]Krampus Horns
[C]Krampus Pearl
[CA]Krampus Potato
[PA]Krampus Sack
[W]Krampus Wig
[WA]Tired Sweater
[C]Baby Grand Piano (on bearkez by accident)
[CA]Festive Cymbals
[C]Festive Tuba
[C]Festive Violin
[CA]Jingle Bells
Other - DONE
[A]Cymbal Songs
[CA]Jingle Bell Rock
[CA]Jingle Bells Stamp
[CA]Milk and Cookies Glowing Egg
[CA]Piano Hits
[CA]Piano Stamp
[CA]Sleigh Book
[CA]Stocking Guide
[CA]Tuba Tunes
[CA]Violin Classics
Toys - DONE
[PA]Candycane Ornament
[PA]Caroling Angel
[PA]Coal Stocking
[PCA]Festive Vixen Plushie
[PA]Nutcracker Action Figure
[PA]Rocking Reindeer
Gourmet Food - DONE
[CA]Candycane Pearl
[CA]Candycane Yule Log
[CA]Coal Drink
[CA]Festive Brownie
Wardrobe - DONE
[WA]Stocking Costume
News and Mags needed Dec 2017
7 years, 3 months & 10 days ago

1st Dec 2017 21:02
Happy to swap for magazines, papers, plates, photos that are needed as per my blogs.
No old magazines or newspapers are needed, thanks
Pls try to keep values similar.
I dont accept current month items for retired ones.
Mags done - pls offer photos or plates as per blog.
News done - pls offer photos or plates as per blog.