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5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago

2nd May 2019 08:16
Teethe fed Favolos Asparagus
Favolos also ate Teethe and spat them out..
Teethe changed colour to Wizard
Pouts fed Favolos Naga Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 167 BP!
Revert fed Favolos Naga Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 159 BP!
Teethe fed Favolos Mango Soft Serve
Teethe gained 2 stamina stat
Teethe fed Favolos Naga Potato
Favolos also ate Teethe and spat them out..
Teethe changed colour to Yellow
Teethe fed Favolos Naga Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Points
Teethe fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,762MP
Teethe fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos also ate Teethe and spat them out..
Teethe changed colour to Blue
Teethe fed Favolos YellowGumball
Favolos also ate Teethe and spat them out..
Teethe changed colour to Green
Teethe fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate Teethe and spat them out..
Teethe changed colour to Blue
Teethe fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 350MP
Teethe fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Teethe gained 1 defence stat
Teethe fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Teethe gained 1 strength stat
Teethe fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 1 Account Upgrade Credit
Teethe fed Favolos Joint of Ham
Favolos has rewarded you with 34 Olympic Points
Teethe fed Favolos Sirloin Steak
Favolos also ate Teethe and spat them out..
Teethe changed into a Black Renat
Teethe gained a Coordination Stat
Teethe fed Favolos Yellow Gumball
Dragon Steak
Teethe gained a Strength Stat
Starry gumball
Teethe gained a History Stat
Milk chocolate gumball
Teethe is now Navy Renat
Starry gumball
Teethe gained a Balance Stat
Teethe fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Orange choc gum
Teethe is now Floral Kidlet
Starry Gumball
Teethe is now Green Kidlet
Teethe is now Sparkle Newth
(Portal changed to seasonal newth prior)
Bronze gumball
Cuffs is now Sparkle Ushunda
Teethe fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
13 Olympic Points
Brpnze gumball
Teethe is now Yellow Newth
Rock gumbal
Teethe gained a stamina stat
Yellow gumball
Teethe is now Blue Newth
Teethe fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Blue gumball
Teethe is now Yellow Newth
Teethe fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Blue gumball
Teethe gained a Level Stat
Teethe fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
1 Account Upgrades Credit
Yellow ggumball
Teethe gained a Language Stat
Teethe fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Yellow gumball
Teethe gained a Level Stat
Bronze gumball
Teethe is now Red Newth
Starry gumball
Teethe gained a Stamina Stat
Teethe fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
15 Olympic Points
Rock gumball
Teethe is now Grey Newth
Teethe is now Red Newth
Blue gumball
Teethe gained a Stamina Stat
Teethe fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Beef knuckle
Teethe gained a Defence Stat
Maratalk gumball
Teethe gained a Level Stat
Yellow gumball
Teethe is now yellow Newth
Yelow gumball
Teethe is now Blue Newth
Orange choc gum
Teethe is now Ice Fairy Newth
Teethe fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
15 Olympic Points
Teethe fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumbal
Wormy apple
Teehe is now Hobo Newth
Orange choc reese
Pouts is now Red Leido
Bronze gum
Pouts is now Pink Leido
Pouts fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
8 Olympic Points
Bronze gum
Pouts is now Polar Leido
Ive been really bad and missed some days. Want to do my best with this tho to get the most complete data rip
Elbert is noe Digital Doyle!
Revert fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Colonist fed Favolos Ketchup Rolls
Cuffs fed Favolos Lentils
Cuffs fed Favolos Vanilla Ice Cream
Yellow ushunda
Cuffs is now Underwater Leido
Green beans
Colonist is now Navy Zetlian
Ugh have been bad and skipped a lot
Transmute fed Favolos Rock Gumball
-Digi fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Jaz fed Favolos Slice of Strawberry 15th Birthday Cake
Favolos was just about to eat Chepiz but is now full
Chepiz is now in your Inventory
You can visit the Foxfire Pond every 6 hours
Come back in 6 hours
Jaz is now Red Flab
Jaz is now Yellow Flab
Jaz fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
9 Olympic Points
Jaz fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Jaz is now Leopard Flab
DW is now Easter Kaala
You can visit the Foxfire Pond every 6 hours