{Tony} The Blob
15 years, 11 months & 2 days ago

11th Apr 2009 15:23
He's mine.

Name: Tony
Gender: Male
Likes: himself, gold, red, mirrors, gyms, hair, his family
Hates: guys more muscular then him, rain
Birthday: December 9
Allergies: Daisies
Tony is a bit full of himself. But, when it comes to his family, nothing can pull them a part. He'd do anything for them. Tony loves to work out and tan. He is a bit superficial and loves looks. His family is his everything though, when it comes down to it. He is always up for a work out and loves to spend time with his family.
I won Tony in one of Rein's auctions on May 23, 2009 at 12:22 AM Mara time and 7:43 PM Texas time. I bought him for 50K MP, tipping Rein 20k.