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Marapets is mobile friendly
If you want to lend my pets for goals, feel free to ask. I'm also lending out the Chameleon (minipet) for the lush lake goal.

Welcome to my profile ^^,
I collect wardrobe items, and my favorite is the wigs section. I'm an entusiast to dress up my doll XD

~Don't hold back anymore what I want to. Listen to myself, and follow myself~ Well that's one of my personal goals for this period.

Thanks for visiting:)

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Note to staff: I log in on multiple devices on different locations. (sometimes from the car if I'm a passenger). I also visit my friend Bondskii, then we use the same wireless. That's all.

Note to people offering photo to my photo on trades: I'm not into swapping photos/plates from trades. ⍩


~^^∿≈≋ Welcome to my profile ≋≈∿^^~

I don't know what to write here.. And probably you're not looking here either xD
So I'm just gonna talk to my self! Oh, that sounds fun!

Well, I'm an ♒Aquarius♒, learning how to live the life..
And I'm not gonna tell u how "old" I am.

A random fact? Uhm.. well.. I'm in love with people who can draw realistic, (or very good manga)
Why..? Because it's so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

So... Yes, I like to draw aswell.. But I'm currently busy with other things in my mind right now..
My webside??
No, it's.. kinda..I.. It's not that much.. Oh, well.. Have a look then..
*handing over the links*



I love my familiy, I love my friends. I should love life, but sometimes I can't.

Step by step, I'm learning about myself.



㋛ Funfacts about me here on mara: ㋛

▶ Do you collect something?

-Yeah, that I do^^,

I collect wigs, wardrobe items and worms. It's totally random that they all starts with the "w".

I also collect glowing eggs=) and hoping drew can accept those eggs I have..

▶ Right, good luck with that.

-Thanks, I really needed that.

▶ ☺, So, what's your favorite pet species?

-Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh. Hard hard haaaaard to choose.

Top three might be: Kaalas, Sindis, Raulf and Chibs

(yeah I know that's 4..)

▶ I agree, it's really hard to choose XD
Moving on.. What's (y)our favorite item?

-If it's not the wigs, it's the chests!

▶ Okey, can you be more specific?

-Sure, I'll try..=P
I'm very interested in Golden Anklets&ArmBands, Ancient Kamilah Wings, Flower Shower, Pea skirt, Bottle of fireflies, Rose Vine Shoes, Autumn Trees, Bangs, Virgo Pants, Kitsune Tail, Dragon, Full moon/Rising sun..
This list only grows's longer and longer.

▶ Favorite pet costume?

-Whaaat? I think I'll have say: Anime, alien, dragon, daylight, elf and hairy.

▶ And the best marapet event so far?

-I enjoy many of the events. The most amazing event for me has been with the Elf. I got a pet wish granted, my lovely panda Sindi<3 I still can't believe that was real. The Easterbunny event was also great! I still can't believe the easterbunny gave me, ME of all people, a easterbunny costume. My wardrobe was so flat then.
And the safari event!(which also was the hardest event). It gave me a really mara-boost! I'll always love camp jani.

▶ Alright, so next question.. What do you usually do here?

-I can't say all that, I'm already just talking to myself, noone is reading this stuff.
Anyway thank you for reading and take care.

▶Excuse me, who are you talking to..?
- ⍜_O


  1. Got my first LE restock in the potion shop O_O
    13th Dec 2019 12:11
    5 years & 3 months ago
  2. Currently pet wishlist
    12th May 2019 06:04
    5 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  3. Queen bee items looking for
    18th Dec 2018 03:21
    6 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  4. Ice caves
    10th Oct 2018 01:03
    6 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  5. Items I'm looking for
    9th Sep 2018 09:07
    6 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  6. A swimtrip in the Whirlpool
    26th Jul 2018 14:20
    6 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  7. Note to myself
    31st May 2018 02:09
    6 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  8. New goals 10 years later... WHISHES :)
    22nd May 2018 06:54
    6 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  9. The enchanted plushie machine and me
    18th Apr 2018 23:22
    6 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  10. Things that happened.. It's strange.
    14th Feb 2016 02:35
    9 years & 30 days ago
A swimtrip in the Whirlpool
6 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
26th Jul 2018 14:20


26. Juli
Finally! After so many years (and years unactive), I managed to collect all Whirlpool maps. I bought number 1, and saved up for the rest of them.

Here is the tracking list:
First swim - Nothing happened.
I'm not gonna track these.
You found 996MP
Julenissen changed to gold murfin.
Julenissen went for a swim in the Whirlpool...
Julenissen changed to Lightning Ideus.. Cool, I can't remember the last time I had an Ideus =)
Julenissen changed to Sparkle Bolimo.. A sparkle bolimo? How great costume =)
Miwey changed to Sketch Reese (from gingerbread).
Miwey gained 1 level!
Miwey changed to British Reese
Julenissen.. You found 400MP and the Whirlpool avatarSmile
You found 768MP.. Julenissen
Julenissen changed to Olive Bolimo
Miwey changed to Hobo Reese =P
Julenissen gained 1 health stat!
You found 1,069MP
Julenissen gained 1 strength stat!!
Imitation gained 1 health stat!
Imitation changed to Beige azul
Imitation gained 1 Music stat
You found 962MP
You found 495MP
You found 1,234MP
Imitation changed to Panda Azul... If it only was a panda Sindi I'm dreaming of...
Julenissen changed to Anime Kaala... I love it! Anime Kaala!<3 Now I cant change Julenissen anymore XD
Miwey changed to Seasonal Reese
You found 1,852MP.
You found 690MP
KibaX gained 1 strength stat!!
KibaX gained 1 strength stat!!
You found 400MP
You found 539MP
KibaX changed to Minipet Knutt.... Ooooh, soooo sweeeet! How can I change u now Kiba....=(
MilkChocolate gained 1 Art stat
KeywestX changed to Grey Grint
MilkChocolate gained 1 Music stat
You found 1,720MP
MilkChocolate changed to Sparkle Tantua
Miwey gained 1 strength stat!!
MilkChocolate changed to Insideout Tantua
You picked up Enchanted Gold Yakubi Plushie
MilkChocolate changed to Desert Bolimo
You found 700MP
VooDooStar gained 1 level!
Miwey gained 1 level!
Miwey changed to Brown Xoi.. Haha okey x)
MilkChocolate changed to Tiger Kidlet
Miwey changed to floral xoi
MilkChocolate changed to Ghost Kidlet
You found 1,554MP
MilkChocolate gained 1 Maths stat
KeywestX gained 1 Maths stat
KeywestX gained 1 health stat!
KeywestX changed to Halloween Paffuto
Miwey changed to Angel Azul.. Oh nice =)
Picked up 390 MP
Keywest.. 1 language
1 history keywest
You found 5
KeywestX gained 2 level!
Miwey changed to Cupid Azul
MilkChocolate changed to Toddler Kidlet
Miwey changed to Strobe Speiro.. That's weird because the avataroutfit im wearing now reminds me of the strobe costume, but its absolutely not related.
Miwey changed to Pixie Jessup.. Haha this "miwey/me" seems unstopable XD

Alright. The time has come. I finally recieved a LE from the whirlpool:
My main pet changed to a sketch Ike. Not bad Wink

Note to myself
6 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
31st May 2018 02:09

Så edde de herre bildene e må ta:
moonlight quell (ko)
summer leido
minipet kaala
hairy chibs
dragon limax
tiger phanty
fairy azul
black sindi

indale lånt chameleon.


The Clam Mission:
dyre perler: 200,000 MP (kjøpt)
en til 500k, brukte den jeg hadde selv.
7 mil - NO, I used my carpet.

Steampunk kolleksjon jeg har:
Steampunk Contact Lenses
Steampunk Mini Dress, kjøpt
Steampunk Jacket
Steampunk Pants
Steampunk Boots
Steampunk Shoes
Steampunk Suit, byttet
Long Steampunk Boots, byttet
Steampunk Dress, byttet
Steampunk Top, kjøpt
Steampunk Skirt, auksjonen
Steampunk Goggles Wig, kjøpt
Å wow, dette er første gangen e har klart å få fullt wardrobe sett! =D

Fra nå:
750.000MP cd
500.000MP win badge
1.000.000MP gul b
500,000MP win badge - ops, all that money went to a mission -_-
3 AU for e
3 AU for rs
3,000,000 MP for fruit minipet
5 AU for st
= 8,950,000 + 11 AU O_O
- bought a double diamond box (9AU)
1AU linser
hip mot påfskj
tbamse mot halsbånd
5AU for st
2AU bamse j
- bought double crystals box (9AU)
Had 4 AU left. Bought a pet giftbox for Vixen <3
= 0 AU.
Parykk + slangebamse mot anime kostyme
1,000,000MP for gte
2AU innkommende for de hanskene
2AU for sge
bought a willa marker with many safari items =D I wonder wish pet I'll use it on..
1,400,000MP for tdukken
Bought Earthfairy costyme for 3 R19, safari items^^,
1 AU + Lafter for hanskene
Husk at gumballs er de som oftest selger. Så til neste gang ha masse items av de (+ting som begynner på A,B eller C, det er lettere for andre spillere å finne til første side i butikken=)
1,000,000 for gte.
3AU for tdukken(etter eventet var ferdig)
2AU for slangebamse (3 stk var priset til 1,8m)

1AU for giftøyelinser
3AU st
750,000MP for lekebil
2,000,000 for alf litendyr.
1,000,000MP for safarilbamse
Finally bought the selfie giftbox! Ahh, what a pleasure.

Ok, I forgot to log the recently boughts/sells.
But I need to save up money for these:
-Libra treasure chest
-Staggatius treasure chest
-Capricorn treasure chest
-Aquarius treasure chest
= 32 AU, ah maaan...
Maybe the aquarius chest wont be released next year, then I need: 24 AU. Ok, I can do it. Please help me my shop till, u gotta make me some money here.

New goals 10 years later... WHISHES :)
6 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
22nd May 2018 06:54

Collect UB chest wearables!
Collect wigs

Food pets /sweet pets:
Get a chocolate troit well named (#)
Turn sugarcandy into a candy decadial (#)
Cottoncandy Raulf <3 (#)
Get an cottoncandy sindi (.)
Get a well named valentine sindi (#)
Still get a chibs (#) Finally! I got one through trades^^,
- I got the bug costume for a bug chibs! But also the hairy chibs is soo CUTE<3(.)
Ice cream mordo (.)
Other ice cream pets (.)
Get an Elf pet (Completed, but it's on my main pet/the one I transforming heheheheeh... I'll see.)
Get an angel sindi (Ehh, I don't want it after the revamp XD)
Get a panda sindi (#)
Get a plushie Daisy (.)
Other plushie pets (.)
Get many of the anime pets (.)
-Anime raulf (#)
-Anime fasoro
-Anime kaala (#)
-Anime tasi (got marker)
Get a haloween Daisy (.)
Steampunk Phanty (marker + costume, just need more pet space)
Get an Alien Kaala (#)
I like every Kaalas...
Dragon Limax (#)
-Get other dragon animals (.)
Stonage Troit is cool.
Fairy Zola (.) has always been a figh goal to me.

Newer pet goals:
Fairy Lorius (.)
Spring Lati (.) (got marker, just need more space).
Spring Straya (.) (got marker yeeeeaaah!)
Spring Lorius (.) (Will soon be done)

My last and final goal: Turn KeywestX into a pet I will never change.

Complete the unnessesary perfections instructions (#)
Complete other maps.

Get more wardrobe items.
Open treasure chests.
-wonderful wizzard
-circus (men ikke items)
-wizard (men ikke items)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡&degWink
Collect more glowing eggs, so I can use the colours.

Complete a mission(.)
I completed the key temple 23.Oktober 2018! (#)
Get every colour of the dracone (.)
Get the largest collection of an item in my gallery no one else have (#). Finally I have something, the amout of carrot pearls! Yeeey=D

Visit and complete the Beanstalk (.)
Win a mission contest (.) Why..?, this is so hard..
Buying all pieces to the whirlpool map (#)

Get a LE from the whirlpool (#) --> I got an Ike for the first time! 2019.
Get a enchanted LE plushie from the plushie machines(#)
I got a Ench. Green Snookle plushie! 16.Nov 2018.

Get the extreme hoarder avatar (#)
Congratulations! You found the 'Extreme Hoarder' Hidden Avatar!

RP goal:
1. Finish the whirlpool map (#)
2. Finish the private dentail map (#)
3. Fishing map (#)
4. Completed the Ice Caves, now that the last 3 pieces are avaiable as a capsule machine prize (#)

The enchanted plushie machine and me
6 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
18th Apr 2018 23:22

19.April 2018...
I FINALLY completed the enchanted plushie instructions! YES! This is a really high maragoal for me, since I've started playing. Oh, I can't wait to use it. And thanks to everyone who completed my wanted ads. I couldn't have done it without you. Actually I couldn't afford to buy more than 6 pieces.. But thanks to an event I did collect many things.. And I sold them to people. So thank you to those who bought the items from me that under that event. I'm so happy!

Here is the view of what I grabbed:

You picked up Yellow Snookle Plushie
You picked up Black Renat Plushie
You picked up Yellow Rofling Plushie
You picked up Green Nino Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Orange Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Stoneage Knutt Plushie
You picked up Blue Kujo Plushie
You picked up Black Vixen Plushie
You picked up Love Grint Plushie
You picked up Brown Knutt Plushie
You picked up Red Crindol Plushie
You picked up Blue Sindi Plushie
You picked up Radioactive Feliz Plushie
You picked up Red Reese Plushie
You picked up Chocolate Chibs Plushie
You picked up Prison Bolimo Plushie
You picked up Orange Lati Plushie
You picked up Silver Bolimo Plushie
You picked up Strawbri Plushie
-Yes, finally a really special one! ^^,
But it broke after one play..
You picked up Enchanted Green Leido Plushie
You picked up Prison Bolimo Plushie. This is the secound time xD
You picked up Blue Xoi Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Glass Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Pink Grint Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Murfin Plushie
You picked up Sketch Rofling Plushie
You picked up Grey Kujo Plushie
You picked up Black Ercuw Plushie
You picked up Gold Viotto Plushie
You picked up Prison Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Hobo Chibs Plushie
You picked up Pink Gonk Plushie
You picked up Love Fasoro Plushie
You picked up Red Feliz Plushie
Love Tantua
You picked up Stoneage Knutt Plushie
Also secound time I get this plushie Tongue Out
You picked up Green Viotto Plushie
You picked up Seasonal Chibs Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Orange Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Plushie Quell Plushie
You picked up Orange Gizmo Plushie
You picked up Halloween Fasoro Plushie
You picked up Radioactive Leido Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Invisible Flab Plushie
You picked up Blue Kujo Plushie
You picked up Gold Grint Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Blue Leido Plushie
You picked up Blue Sindi Plushie
You picked up Sketch Rofling Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Teal Ideus Plushie
Halloween fasoro
You picked up Green Poera Plushie
Prison viotto
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Addow Plushie
You picked up Orange Tantua Plushie
You picked up Silver Leido Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Ice Gonk Plushie
You picked up Blue Jessup Plushie
You picked up Prison Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Fancy Osafo Plushie
Snow addow
Green murfin
You picked up Dark Fasoro Plushie
You picked up Pink Oglue Plushie
Red lati
You picked up Orange Addow Plushie
Pink lati
Grey gizmo
You picked up Enchanted White Walee Plushie
Orange gizmo
You picked up Enchanted Orange Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Gold Viotto Plushie
You picked up Yellow Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Gothic Tantua Plushie
You picked up Red Vixen Plushie
You picked up Green Viotto Plushie
You picked up Prison Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Silver Viotto Plushie
You picked up Plushie Quell Plushie-the secound time.
You picked up Enchanted White Leido Plushie
You picked up Fly Plushie
You won 10,931MP
You picked up Bronze Grint Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Blue Lati Plushie
You picked up Green Sindi Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Blue Knutt Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Pink Walee Plushie
You picked up Red Speiro Plushie
You picked up Sketch Huthiq Plushie
You picked up Prison Addow Plushie
You picked up Red Azul Plushie
You picked up Millionaire Troit Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Gold Newth Plushie
You picked up Grey Oglue Plushie
You picked up Mermaid Zetlian Plushie
-need to get another one, cuz it broke after one play xD
You picked up Enchanted Blue Equilor Plushie
You picked up Green Sindi Plushie
You picked up Red Quell Plushie
Grey zoink plushie
You picked up Flayee Plushie
You picked up Yellow Oglue Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Addow Plushie
You picked up Lilac Renat Plushie
You picked up White Oglue Plushie
You picked up Gold Grint Plushie
You picked up Red Leido Plushie
You picked up Yellow Kujo Plushie
You picked up Yellow Yakubi Plushie
You won 14,024MP
You picked up Green Leido Plushie
You picked up White Quell Plushie
You picked up Wizard Troit Plushie... Oh, I really wished this was an enchanted one...
You picked up White Leido Plushie
You picked up Black Troit Plushie
Black orgue
Grey hump plushie
You picked up Black Troit Plushie.. Okey I love troits, but I recently got that black one xD
You picked up Enchanted Beige Speiro Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Glass Kaala Plushie.. So sweet..
Prison grint
You picked up Brown Rofling Plushie
You picked up Yellow Hump Plushie
You picked up Black Gizmo Plushie
You picked up Mutant Poera Plushie
You picked up Pink Troit Plushie
You picked up Radioactive Doyle Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Magenta Knutt Plushie
You picked up Water Chibs Plushie
You picked up Blue Hump Plushie
You picked up Red Renat Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Gonk Plushie
You picked up Gold Reese Plushie
You won 28,548MP.. Oh, this is great ^^,
You picked up Teal Speiro Plushie
Black troit (the 3.rd time)
You picked up White Speiro Plushie
Gold reese
You picked up Orange Lati Plushie
up Enchanted Ice Knutt Plushie
You picked up Red Viotto Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Lilac Knutt Plushie
You picked up Green Quell Plushie
You picked up Elf Plushie! Yaay a retired plushie. He is so cool, i need him in my gallery, hahahahaaa!
You picked up Red Knutt Plushie
You picked up Red Spookfruit Plushie. Yay another retired plushie Wide Grin
You picked up Grey Feliz Plushie
You picked up Blue Reese Plushie
You won 11,576MP
You picked up Black Renat Plushie
You picked up Blue Newth Plushie
You picked up Radioactive Leido Plushie
You picked up Burnt Pucu Plushie
You picked up White Quell Plushie
You picked up Mutant Fasoro Plushi
You picked up Blue Leido Plushie
You picked up Yellow Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Pink Leido Plushie
You picked up Snow Doyle Plushie
You picked up Red Viotto Plushie
You won 14,456MP
You picked up Brown Viotto Plushie
You picked up Ice Viotto Plushie
You picked up Green Fasoro Plushie
You picked up Green Tantua Plushie
You picked up Pink Leido Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Grey Zetlian Plushie
Green leido
You picked up Fire Fairy Speiro Plushie
You picked up Mutant Tantua Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Invisible Feliz Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Gold Ideus Plushie
You picked up Radioactive Azul Plushie
You picked up Grey Doyle Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Black Kidlet Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Black Gonk Plushie
You picked up Orange Jessup Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Gold Gonk Plushie
You picked up Purple Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Blue Equilor Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Lilac Speiro Plushie
You picked up Yellow Speiro Plushie
You picked up Yellow Huthiq Plushie
You picked up Blue Newth Plushie
You picked up Blue Leido Plushie
You picked up Green Azul Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Knutt Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Knutt Plushie
You picked up Orange Gonk Plushie
You picked up Sketch Rofling Plushie
Yellow lati
You picked up Red Lati Plushie
White speiro.
You picked up Enchanted Gold Knutt Plushie
Blue gonk
Mutant addow
Bronze yakubi
3 other
You picked up Magenta Paffuto Plushie regular plushies.
You picked up Digital Equilor Plushie
You picked up Black Fasoro Plushie
Oh okey.. im just gonna write the enchanted and the special ones from now on.
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Xoi Plushie
Enchanted white leido
You picked up Glass Ideus Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Green Reese Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Walee Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Gonk Plushie
You won 14,292MP
You picked up Enchanted Gold Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Mermaid Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Orange Ideus Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Negative Xoi Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Ice Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Dew Plushie
You picked up Grey Chibs Plushie
You won 2,285MP.. Okey, I'll take it!
You picked up Enchanted Black Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Silver Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Radioactive Gonk Plushie
You picked up Bitty Plushie
You picked up Enchanted White Crindol Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Leido Plushie
You won 24,470MP
Okey I just need to write this down i got a:
You picked up Enchanted Minipet Tantua Plushie. And this is a capsule mprize!
You picked up Enchanted Grey Doyle Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Silver Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Green Candycane Plushie
I think this one is so cool that i need to write it down xD
You picked up Fancy Ercuw Plushie
You won 22,285MP
You picked up Enchanted Brown Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Gold Ideus Plushie
You picked up Blue Gobble Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Green Bolimo Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Green Bolimo Plushie
picked up Enchanted Glass Kidlet
You won 11,501MP
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Newth Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Walee Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Black Feliz Plushie
You won 16,425MP
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Feliz Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Kidlet Plushie
You picked up Heart Plushie.. This one is retired from 10 years ago.. oh.
You picked up Enchanted Gold Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Enchanted White Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Radioactive Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Green Reese Plushie
You won 25,897MP
You picked up Enchanted White Leido Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Blue Kidlet Plushie
You picked up Snixie Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Walee Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Green Bolimo Plushie
You won 20,345MP
You picked up Enchanted Grey Ideus Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Party Speiro Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Ice Feliz Plushie
You won 14,323MP
You picked up Enchanted Grey Doyle Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Silver Fasoro Plushie
You picked up Ninja Phanty Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Bronze Kidlet Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Pink Knutt Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Pink Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted White Ideus Plushie
You picked up Enchanted White Kidlet Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Teal Yakubi Plushie
You picked up Invisible Kaala Plushie... How cutex)
You won 25,986MP
You picked up Enchanted Black Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Purple Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Christmas Addow Plushie.. I like this plushie.
You picked up Enchanted Purple Murfin Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Teal Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Radioactive Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Green Reese Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Beige Gonk Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Brown Feliz Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Blue Doyle Plushie
You won 27,996MP
You won 23,403MP
You picked up Enchanted Brown Xoi Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Yellow Flab Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Pink Kidlet Plushie
You won 29,174MP
Pink rusty plushie
You picked up Enchanted Silver Yakubi Plushie
Grey chubs plushie
You picked up Enchanted Black Gonk Plushie
Ench. Purple ideus plushie
Blue sybri
You picked up Enchanted Beige Zetlian Plushie
Back to Slater Park
You picked up Coral Daisy Plushie! Yaaay, first and none in trades Pleased
You picked up Underwater Tantua Plushie. Oh, that's so cool.
Maroon Chibs
Olive decadial
You picked up Enchanted Maroon Paffuto Plushie
You picked up Enchanted White Zetlian Plushie
You picked up Enchanted Coral Murfin Plushie
You won 17,926MP
You picked up Flin Plushie.. Ohh, so cute Pleased
Oh my, what just happened!!???
Haha first LE GRAAAAAAB! YAAAAAAY! Finally it was my turn aswell Pleased
You won 16,724MP
I stopped tracking of my ench. plushies. Only rare will track here.
You won 20,867MP
You picked up Sumo Sally Plushie, aha cool. It's from an account upgrade x)
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
Enchanted Beige Ushunda Plushie is now in your Inventory
My secound LE! But the lowest one, its already in ss XD
Next Le. A Vlad! How Cool! I've never owned one Smile I think the Breeze costume looks so niceSmile Noone is in gallery. So this must be the first one? Alright, heeere we gooo Wide Grin
-This is totally awesome.
Another LE! Amazing. I've never thought this.
You move the claw to the left...
Enchanted Checkered Tasi Plushie is now in your Inventory (so proud feel like I could cry.)

Things that happened.. It's strange.
9 years & 30 days ago
14th Feb 2016 02:35


8.Mars, how did this happen! My secound LE essence in just a month for all these years I've played! Finally I'm getting something, yeyPleased thank you.

2. Mars.
Nice! Look what you caught fishing..


14. Okt.
Congratulations! You matched three prize symbols
Capsule Machine Token is now in your Items


2020.. A new decade!
Starting late January with this:
Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won £10 Account Upgrade Credit.
21. Feb
0.0000% of pets in Marada are Headless Phanty
There are a total of 1 Headless Phanty in Marada. Wow! I am the first person to get a headless Phanty in whooooole marapets! (The costume just got released for a Phanty).
26. Feb. Vant et klovne kostyme i 5 balloon pop.
27. Februar
24. Mars
Congratulations! You solved today's Word Search and were selected as one of the 3 winners of a Two Hundred And Fifty Dukka Coin.
Vant en retired server package!
3. Mai
Essence of Huthiq is now in your Items! Fra genie So Første gangen e får en LE fra henne!
8. Mai.
Vant Goofy Glasses fra Domino.
10. Mai
Congratulations! You won Greatest Hits by Syn D from Dominoes. Den er fra 2005??
23. Desember
Vant en capsule machine token fra fruit maskinen.
24. Desember Julaften!
Congratulations! You won £5 Account Upgrade Credit from Solitaire.

14. Januar
Happy New Year! You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won 1,000,000MP. (And I got two tshirts)
28. Januar
What's happening!???
"You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!" From the Archeology. This has never happened before So
1. Februar
I won a Capsule Machine Token in balloon burst! This is the secound time of my maralifetime this has happened, I believe?

9. Mars
I guess it's not happening that ofen. It was with random numbers played twice.
12. Mars.
I just got my dream pet. I've dreamed and wished for this for so long. And it happened on myself "Miwey" the pet. Now I really am an Alien XD
5. Juni
Green DNA is now in your Inventory
Got 3 green apples from the fruit machine. Totally unexpected!
7. Juni
IloveU asked the Genie to grant them a wish
29. August
I got 1 mill from the undying fairy wheel!
10. August
You hit Yellow Chibs Face Pinata and won a Pinata Costume
27. November. The day just came! I've dreamt of this daaay! Look here:
Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won £10 Account Upgrade Credit. Sooooooo
13. Desember.
Well this took a while and x forsøk på å få til et hodeløst dyr., The Decapitating Fairy laughed at the fear of your pet
Wildrose is now Headless Lorius
Endelig Smile


Won a capsule machine token in balloon burst.
Fikk bunny costume av easterbunny.
15. April
You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...
You have won 1,000,000MP!!!
17. April
ChocolateDip asks the genie to grant them a wish...
The genie has granted ChocolateDip a wich.
You have won 100,000MP!
20. April
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 29,288MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 27,739MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid
You won 25,000MP in gumball machine Smile
24. Mai
This is the first time this happened:
Congratulations! You have solved the Anagram!!
Here is your prize...
Orange Blood
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 28,479MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid
Congratulations! You found the 'I See You' Hidden Avatar
You paid Orion 2,000MP to use his Telescope and...
Amazing!! You just spotted the Magic Carpet!
Congratulations! You have just received a Silver Trophy and 150,000MP from the Weekly Quest Contest.
Congratulations! You have solved the Anagram!!
Here is your prize...
Yellow Blood
8. Juni
Wow... I managed to get to level 16 at double or nothing.. This gave me 400,000MP or something like that So
Congratulations!! You guessed correctly!
Level 16
You have moved onto the next level
-next time was game overTongue Out
Congratulations! You have solved the Anagram!!
Here is your prize...
Yellow Blood
15. Juni
I won Pisces contact lenses in a forum contest for camp JANI! = 200points that day=10 entries
16. Juni
I won splatter costume and an american costume. This was not the first prize, but a special prize. Wooow!
Dress up birthday on the final birthday, for camp JANI!
21. Juni
I think I am the first person who got the Meat Lover Stamp! O_O There is NO ONE in trades, NO ONE in SS, and NO ONE in gallery search! THIS IS AMAZING!
Game Over
Congratulations! You won 20,000BP
On Goldmine Scratchcard, I bought myself for 2 dukkas So
And this day I won a Vixen from my lovely chicken in a forum contest <3
27. Juni
This day I won a sparkle costume, AND a black striped swimsuit from forum two contests for camp JANI!
Game Over
You won Fifty Dukka Coin
=O I've never won a such a large coin like that before!! Wow.... (from dukka dash)
Also this day I won a glass costume in task forum contest for camp JANI!
And from another safari task contest I won a Space fairy costume! FOR CAMP JANI!
I entered another large camp JANI contest (there were 3 categories=entered all of them). And I can't believe I won a Scarecow top on the secound giveaway category, and the ENTIRE bee account upgrade set!!(at the 3rd category). I've never owned a whole set before :'( I'm so happy!

Bingo! Miwey won 37,500MP for a full house
What a day!
Congratulations! You found the 'Prize Winner' Hidden Avatar!
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!
AAaaaaand I won:
4xAir Crystal
4xAsh Crystal
3xDark Crystal
5xEarth Crystal
4xFire Crystal
4xGrime Crystal
2xEnergy Crystal
4xIce Crystal
3xLight Crystal
4xShadow Crystal
3xSteam Crystal
3xWater Crystal
3xDigital Crystal
4xLove Crystal
+Enchanted Safari Limax Plushie
+Hoppy tunes
on a forum event task with 2,500+ points to be entered for camp JANI=D
And there is more.. =O
With 401 tasks done for day 30 on camp JANI, I won a contest and recieved 10 MILLION MP! I can't believe.. That's a whoooooole lot of money! (4 other Jani fellows won 5mil, so it was such a huge prizes this last day)
And in a third contest for camp JANI (the BIG blowout), I won:
Mermaid Costume
Mini Gobble Herd Trading Card
13th Birthday Stamp
Capsule Machine Token
5. Juli
Congratulations! You won a line at Bingo and won 25,000MP.
Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won £5 Account Upgrade Credit.
The beest bingo ever! I can't believe I won this...:'(
Congratulations! You won a line at Bingo and won 12,500MP.
Congratulations! You matched 4 Corners at Bingo and won a Ten Dukka Coin
12. Juli
Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won 15,000MP.
Okey, i just have to say...
Silvina has eaten 275 or more Gourmet Food and has just won 125,000MP. -hoho!
Managed to get into lvl.17 at double or nothing. 200k or 400k at the last touch.
21. Juli
Congratulations! You were in the top 100 highest Safari Event Winners, earning lots of points for your camp! You have won 1,000,000MP, a Manticore, a Capsule Machine Token and £1 Account Upgrade Credit. Thank you for playing and supporting Marapets!
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 28,074MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid
29. Juli
Congratulations! You matched 4 Corners at Bingo and won a Ten Dukka Coin.
Yes, dukkasAdore
Congratulations! You matched 4 Corners at Bingo and won a Ten Dukka Coin.
28. September
My best friend gave me 20 mil!!
29. September
I won the jackpot pyramid: 28.000MP


Level 17
You have moved onto the next level
409,600MP was the last offer. I think i won 1 mil on the pirate
5. Oktober
I was selected to be the "Member of the Month" in my club. So I'm the member of the month September <3 Yaaay! Got 100.000 MP ^^,
And bought with Unique points a Blood splatter! Yes! Finally, aaaah another wardrobe item I don't have, this is l.o.v.e.l.y!
7. Oktober
Sugar stack winner
Congratulations! Tyger88 just knocked over the Sugar Stack. As you were the player who added the last Sugar Cube you have won the jackpot of 216,315MP.
Well this was a nice surprize. First time I've won this.
9. Oktober
Okey, I gotta write this, because.. After 10-15 queen bee quests today, she gave me the ONE thing I wished for the most! She gave me Fluffy Hair Extensions <3 Ahh, thank you <3
7. November
KeywestX asks the Genie to grant them a wish....
The Genie has granted KeywestX a wish!

You have won 100,000MP
Thank you genie Smile
1. Desember
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £10 Account Upgrade Credit!!!
15. Desember
I was the Nue winner! (from the coffie donation contest) --> Club Unique. I won 1 mil + Mashed Potatoes and Turkey Gravy
16. Desember
The Elf visited me! I got a present from him, the Elf contact lences. Wooow, they looks so good =D Thank you dear Elf Smile

and I won the bingo! "Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won 145,584MP."

I got a Christmas gift from a very nice person who also completed 2 of my wanted ads. A black phanty potion! Thank you very much. I just need the extra pet giftbox, and I'm ready to use it =D WooohooO!!
18. Desember
You walked into a pirate. Yarr! Here is a 9 dukka coun matey!
20. Desember
One of my top highest maragoal happened today. The Elf granted me some magic and turned Utakata into a Panda Sindi! <3 I LOVE HIM. Thank you so much Elf. Wow, this is real Silly
Pleased Thank you - thank you - thank you.

6. Januar
Game Over
7 x 58
You won 44,138MP
in cloud nine.

14. Februar
1,681MP found in tombs x26 tombs opened =
43,706MP in Prize Pot
You opened 26 tombs and found 43,706MP

18. Februar
You won 110MP!!
And a Capsule Machine Token
in balloon burst.

27. April
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 27,474MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid

30. April
Congratulations! You reached the top of the Jackpot Pyramid!
You found a total of 28,093MP inside the Jackpot Pyramid

  1. Got my first LE restock in the potion shop O_O
    13th Dec 2019 12:11
    5 years & 3 months ago
  2. Currently pet wishlist
    12th May 2019 06:04
    5 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  3. Queen bee items looking for
    18th Dec 2018 03:21
    6 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  4. Ice caves
    10th Oct 2018 01:03
    6 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  5. Items I'm looking for
    9th Sep 2018 09:07
    6 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  6. A swimtrip in the Whirlpool
    26th Jul 2018 14:20
    6 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  7. Note to myself
    31st May 2018 02:09
    6 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  8. New goals 10 years later... WHISHES :)
    22nd May 2018 06:54
    6 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  9. The enchanted plushie machine and me
    18th Apr 2018 23:22
    6 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  10. Things that happened.. It's strange.
    14th Feb 2016 02:35
    9 years & 30 days ago