Old Layout
14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago

5th Aug 2010 16:00
h1{display:block;background-color:#ffffff;border-bottom:2px solid #AEDEBF;border-top:2px solid #1F2BD0;color:#441C58;width:100%;height:15px;font-size:12px;font-family:arial;}
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<font face=comic sans ms size=2 color=black><Marquee><font face=comic sans ms>Welcome to Gleam! There is still a lot of work to do, so please be patient!</font></marquee>
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Staff</font>
<font face=Comic sans ms size=3><small>Leader; Snuffley<br>
Leader; cherry160<br>
Leader; TBA<br>
Staff; TBA<br>
Staff; TBA<br>
Staff; TBA<br>
DO NOT ASK TO BE STAFF! Or I shall pelt you with stale muffins. Have a nice day.<br><br></font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>News & Updates</font>
<font face=Comic Sans MS size=3><small>August 5th, 2010; We now have a leader spot opened up again. If you can handle leader spot, please mail Snuffley to apply.<br><br>August 4th, 2010; Okay, so today is all about advertising! This is pretty much our grand opening today. Tournaments will be starting soon and so are club badges. Also, there's a referral contest! Make sure to read the layout because it will be all filled in. <br><br>August 3rd, 2010; Hello everyone and welcome to Gleam! =D I'm excited about the new club and getting to meet everyone. You can currently apply for one leader and one staff spot. The other two staff spots have to be earned. Plenty of new games and layout updates are coming, so keep checking back.<br><br></font></small>
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Rules</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3 ><small>There aren't many rules, so behave and we won't have to add more rules! <br> 1. No spamming (emoticons only, random letters, one word, ect.)<br>
2. Don't bully other members<br>3. Don't nag about prizes/giveaways<br>4. Keep the arguments off of club chat, please.<br>
5. No more than 4 posts in a row<br></font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Tournaments</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small><b>Restocking Tournament</b><br><br>Starts August 5!</font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Activities, Games, Giveaways, and Raffles</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small><b>Can Drive</b><br><Br>Send empty cans to Snuffley. I will keep them in my attic until we reach enough to get a recycled costume. For every 5 cans you donate, you will get one ticket towards the recycled costume raffle. Ticket amounts will be listed below. The winner will be decided based on an online randomizer. The more tickets you earn, the more times your name will be listed for the randomizer. Good luck! =)
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Team Name</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>text text text text</font></small>
<td align=center style=height:210px;width:334px;border:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#664980;
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Club War</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>Once we hit 12 members, we will start a club war. On both sides of this box, there are two empty boxes. That's where team info will go. Stay tuned!</font></small>
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Team Name</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>text</font></small>
<td align=center style=height:135px;width:566px;border:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#664980;
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Advertise Us!</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>Requirements<br>
Literate [ ]<br>
Experienced [ ]<br>
Active [ ]<br>
Friendly [ ]<br>
Donator [ ]<br>
Chatty [ ]<br></font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Nicknames</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>Snuffley; Bri</font></small>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>SabreRose; Sabs</font></small>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>cherry160; Cherry</font></small>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>Blake1; Blake</font></small>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>Risaki; Rivy</font></small>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>soccernoah11; Noah</font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=3><small>text text text text text</font></small>
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<font face=arial size=-2 color=black><font face=arial><small>made by vannseh. part coding goes to Crystaldropbluebell dont remove credit.</font></small>
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<img src=http://i37.tinypic.com/2a83pfd.png
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<font face=arial size=-2 color=black><Marquee><font face=arial><small>marquee</font></small></marquee>
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Rules</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=2>1. No spamming (one word posts, ect.)<br>
2. No more than 3 posts in a row<br>
3. Do not pick fights with other members<br>
4. Be respectful to staff & Leaders<br>
5. Have fun<br></font>
<td align=center style=height:210px;width:334px;border:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#664980;
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>News & Updates</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=2>Welcome to the club everyone! The grand opening party will be on August 7th! Give aways, prizes, games, and more will be happening. Meet us on chat!</font>
<td align=center style=height:210px;width:110px;border:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#664980;
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Staff</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=2>Leader; Snuffley<br>
Leader; Please apply<br>
Leader; TBA<br>
Staff; Please apply<br>
Staff; TBA<br>
Staff; TBA<br></font>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Giveaways & Activities</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=2>Costume/LE giveaway soon to come!!!<br>Can Drive<br><br>Send snuffley empty cans. She will store them in her attic until we have enough to trade in to get a recycled costume. The recycled costume will be raffled off. For every 5 cans you send, you get one ticket. An online randomizer will be used to pick the winner. The more tickets you buy, the more times your name is entered into the randomizer. ticket amounts are listed below. Good luck!<br></font>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=arial><small>text text text text text</font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=arial><small>text text text text text</font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=arial><small>text text text text text</font></small>
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=arial><small>text text text text</font></small>
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<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=arial><small>text text text text text</font></small>
<td align=center style=height:210px;width:110px;border:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#664980;
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<center><font style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>HEADER</font>
<font face=arial><small>text text text text</font></small>
<td align=center style=height:135px;width:566px;border:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#664980;
<div style=height:135px;width:566px;overflow:auto;>
<font style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 20pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant; mce_style=font: normal 12pt arial black !ant; letter-spacing: -3px !ant; line-height: 90% !ant; color: 000000 !ant;>Advertise Us!</font>
<font face=comic sans ms size=2>Eternity is a new club just starting out (:<br><br>
We are looking for members. There are spots open for staff. There will be lots of activities going on.<br><Br>
There are just a few requirements. You should meet 4/5 of them.<br><Br>
Be literate, experienced, active and fun []<br><br>
More than 1.5k posts on forums []<br>
2 or more LEs []<br>
Been on Mara for 1+ years []<br>
100+ avatars []<br>
That's pretty much it (:
Post the requirements filled out to get an invite. Exceptions can be made with the requirements.<br><Br>
We hope you join Eternity! =D<br><Br> </font>
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<font face=arial size=-2 color=black><font face=arial><small>made by vannseh. dont remove credit. part coding credit goes to Crystaldropbluebell.</font></small>