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Marapets is mobile friendly
valentine sindi
party zoink
love sindi (got: costume)
party sindi

i collect love & valentine items
I was in the 12/3/10 Editorial//I won ice fairy 8 times.
I have been on here for over ten years but not consistently so!
AGED: [eggy,daniel,jacko,vampry,ember,witchlet]

also i play sometimes from my phone
  1. bday event items i still need
    26th Aug 2018 10:43
    6 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
  2. avatar goals
    24th Jun 2018 06:06
    6 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
  3. pets ive recently created
    10th Jun 2018 06:32
    6 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
  4. wardrobe wishlist
    29th May 2018 15:12
    6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  5. nts
    11th Dec 2011 12:49
    13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  6. my goals ???????
    11th Dec 2011 12:12
    13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  7. ~easy money making guide~ ?????????
    15th Oct 2011 15:16
    13 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
  8. graphic orders ??? ?? ???
    19th Jul 2011 14:21
    13 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
  9. ~my adoptables~ ^???^
    23rd Apr 2011 07:35
    13 years, 10 months & 21 days ago
  10. ??? peach town blog ???
    17th Apr 2011 17:45
    13 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
Dictionary/Facts of Marapets ?????????????
15 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
3rd Aug 2009 07:57

Not meant to be taken personally to anyone (: For your random entertainment and viewing purpose.
Thanks Gweniibe and HPBL and MrsIci and Kagamine and xCrazycatx for contributions/ideas/definitions ;D

Newb- Newbs are commonly seen with glowing fonts,too much glitter text on their profile,their own twlilight,fashion or hannah montana clubs and a wide variety of bad named pets and they enjoy mailing people for chats and sending random friend requests to show how famous they are.

Newbie- Newbies are new members who don't know any better and commonly have no avatar,no or little clothes and one or a lot of bad named no-costumed non-le pets. First generation of the Newb/Newbie cycle.

Elitist- People who think they are better than everyone else because they have good pets,a lot of posts,low member number,etc. Commonly members with a lot of mp. Elitists enjoy showing off their gallery,posting excesively,portaling their LEs and filling up the Price check forum.

HIY QWALITY! GRAFIC MAKURS- People with no grammar who enjoy spamming up the Graphic Forum selling Low Quality or Okay Quality graphics. Tend to have a signature too big, own a grafic company named 'Rainbow Grafics' or 'GRAFICS AND CO'. Usually save graphics as .JPG or .JPEG

Emo wannabes- People who tend to have a character with vampire fangs,long hair that covers their face, and wearing black,white and/or red. Their profile usually says random lyrics or emo-sounding things on it,with a picture of a broken heart or an emo girl/boy. Some usually say "I'm emo."

Insecure Graphic Makers-
People who freak out when somebody stole their graphic[s], and make a board about "OMGZ BEWAREE- SHE'LL STEEL URS TOO" instead of contacting staff. Most of "their" ideas were stolen from another person anyways, and they still freak out on a different person for stealing "their" graphic[s].

Attention Seekers-
A brieviation of Newbs, people who usually have big, glittery fonts, too many graphics from or They tend to hang around the spam or Random forums, but can occasionally be seen in the graphics forum. Starting fights 58% of the time.

Clueless Buyers-
People who believe the 'Current Price' on an item's little profile is the acutal price. Tend to attempt to buy Chibs potions for 30k because of that price, and don't beleve when other people say otherwise.

A person who spams up Forums with
'IM SINGLE!!!11' topics or 'Im a play boy' and sometimes even
'Im S0o0o Hot ur not lol' topics.
In reality, they probably have
an unattractive appearence and try to seek attention off the internet.

A very nice staff member who rules all the fish : D She is also a merfish lady with the magical power to ban/underage/turn you into a fish *cough* I mean, etc (:
She is also home of the biggest fish aquarium in marapets!

Aww??? Definition from Kagaminewub.gif
Reindeary N-Noun
1. Person who is especially good at pixelling 2. Amazing artist 3. Epic person of doom ( Rein-dear-y )

???Fun Facts on Mara???
1. When you use this smiley:smile.gif, it makes you seem like your nuts.
2. When you add fifty cry.gifs to your sentence,it just annoys people,not make them feel bad for you.
3. When you put mad.gif, it makes people mad at you.
4. When you tlk lyk dis, people ignore you,or get annoyed with you.
5. 97% of people will ignore you if you mail them asking how to make a layout,avatar,siggy,pixel,etc.
6.To make this ???, You press Alt and 3 on the number pad. (Stop asking now.)
7.When you Talk Like This, it's very annoying.
8. when you talk like this,it's annoying.
9. When your font is white,or has a glow that makes it hard to read,it's annoying.
10. When your font is size 4+ it's obnoxious.
11.When you drown your posts in emoticons, smile.gifsleeping.gifthumbsup.gifninja.gifhappy.gif, It's annoying too.
12. When your siggy is huge and from glitterfly,or misc. glitter sites,it bothers people.

Paxtyn's Biography???A Journey Of Dreams
16 years & 3 months ago
13th Dec 2008 11:03

It was over 163 days ago and Rein had an empty space, and she needed a pet to replace. She tried to name this pet many different names. But they were all taken. She thought of a pretty name, Payton, which reminded her of actress,Sara Paxton. She liked the name, But spelled it simpler. Paxtyn. She decided. Paxtyn would be the best pet ever.
And so, she tried. She saved all her money and items, to meet her dream of Paxtyn a Cotton Candy Sindi. She met a guy who sold her the potion, She was poor but she knew that it'd all be worth it for Paxtyn to be her dream.
She used the potion and made tons of topics. She was so excited! She bragged and was happy and spoiled Paxtyn with loads of books! The next day, Rein came home sad, She doesn't remember why but she was a bit mad. Something in school probably or maybe a friend. She sat down on her laptop and feeling tired and out, she went on marapets to see what was about.
She forgot all about the excitement of yesterday, so she thought Paxtyn was still a Non-LE colored gray. Paxtyn had been the portal pet so she went to portal and clicked Paxtyn, with her head in the clouds. She would NEVER do it on purpose, it's a selfish thing to do. But until she saw that picture of a Black Leido, she realized what she had done.
"NO!!" she cried.Outloud, she cried embarassed. All that work! Money! Everything! She made forums saying how sad she was and she said she hated Cotton Candy Sindis! Black Leidios! and Paxtyn! She was so mad, and tired of this stress so she went to the pound.
She was hovering the mouse over Disown This Pet. But then, it struck her. This is nobody's fault. Only mine. Paxtyn didn't do anything! She changed her siggy and profile from her hatred and pain. She needed to save for a new potion!
Her friend Goxy even sent her a Cotton Candy Costume to help!Then,She had 1 New Alert. And went to see what was what. "cancel has sent you the pet Musics. Would you like to accept the pet Musics?" She stared in awe and a tear met her eye. Cancel,or 'Lunar' was a good ol' friend of mine. I accepted and ran to mail her with thanks. Then I remembered how I told her of the Paxtyn mistake. She said how she got her just for me, and I told her I was SUPER happy!
I was so filled with glee and I came across a topic.Trading AWESOME PET!. I clicked inside and saw the pet. A Light Fairy Yuni sitting so pretty on the profile. I smiled with glee and then I knew what Paxtyn would be.
I began to save so much money! I had Almost three million and lots of friends who helped me,too! Crystaldropbluebell gave me 100k that I won from a Dream Pet Donation Giveaway! Then I added it to my fund and went onto forums,DragonGoddess122 had made a topic! She said she was giving gifts, and it seemed so nice! With some pride, I post 'Light Fairy Costume' and I asked her, 'What do you want,for you? :]'. She sent me the costume, and she wanted something to sell. I sent her a Grey Quelow worth 500k. We talked and talked and are becoming friends ^^ My friend Lily <3 Has also donate About 255k! :] I have a long way to go, but I'm almost there! Roxa donated 150k and RP and Bp! <33
December 20,2008. Indygo made a forum with all these things to trade and a pretty selection of yuni potions! They were discounted 1 mil!I only had 3,045,089 Mp! I needed to get more, they were selling fast! My club got together and generously donated a lot to me, My brother donated 2 million. Claireabj donated 50lk. WonderwhereIam donated 1,514,079 Mp. dudegetyourown donared 467,998. And even some random,kind person mailed me and donated 30k! I thanked them all, and will be forever thankful. I offered One Dukka Coin and Seven million on Indy's Red Yuni potion and she accepted. At 20:33:47 MST Paxtyn was a yuni and two minutes later, She was light fairy. Thank you to everyone who helped and inspired me to keep going. I love you all. <3
Paxtyn won Karamay's Pet Contest!
I won a Green Costume and a cool avatar! (: Thank you Karamay!
Her first win ^-^

--For me--
Seviiper was a Female Fairy Goink. Then my brother gave me some things for Christmas, including a Brown Reese Potion and school costume. I used the Reese potion. She went brown. Then I used the School costume :]. SHE looked like a HE so wonderwhereIam sent me a Male Concotion :9 After I gave her a punk costume, So She is now a he ;]

pet bios and stories:
Name: Betovernend (Bee-TOV-ER-Nend)
Gender: Female
Personality: upbeat,not very smart,flirty
Likes: Make up,boys,dancing,parties
Dislikes: bad hair days,school,learning,grints

Name: Ephaphant (Eh-fuh-fint)
Gender: Female
Personality: Graceful,shy,caring
Likes: Reading,being alone,drawing
Dislikes: loud people,big parties,a lot of attention

Name: Feiku (Fee-ku)
Gender: Female
Personality: Attention-loving, loves the spotlight,startstruck
Likes: Celebrities,magazines,singing,dancing,acting,broadway shows
Dislikes: spotlight-stealers,canceled shows

Name: Xyleah (Zie-Leah)
Gender: Female
Dislikes: boredom,water,no more glue D:

Name: Kharise (Kuh-reese)
Gender: Female
Personality: Romantic,loves to help people,gives advice,social
Likes: Helping,love letters,roses,weddings,presents
Dislikes: dead flowers,tulips,when advice goes wrong,lonely valentines days

Name: Krickette (Kri-KET)
Gender: Female
Personality: Book Worm,quiet,very caring and motherly
Likes: Reading,Cooking,book clubs,library
Dislikes: bad books,loud people,snobs,when endings of books are spoiled,burnt food

Name: Lacrimere (Lah-Cri-Meere)
Gender: Male
Personality: Bubbly, gentlemen, jock
Likes: Sports,Girls,Romantic Dinners,the beach
Dislikes: Playas,cheerleaders

Name: Musics (Mew-sics)
Gender: Female
Personality: Loves music, entertaining, fun
Likes: CDs,Music,her flute, playing music,writing songs,
Dislikes: off-key music,being bored,rap music

Name: Paxtyn (Pax-tin)
Gender: Female
Personality: average,easily upset, likes to help people
Likes: designing,dreams,wish granting,fairies,fairy tales,math
Dislikes: suck-ups,mean people, sad endings

Name: Perils (Perr-ills)
Gender: Female
Personality: A bit nutty,likes expirements, likes to learn
Likes: explosions,experiments,Dr.Yekyll, DNA minipets,chemisty classes
Dislikes: music,dorks,science classes

Name: Seviiper (Seh-vy-purr)
Gender: Male
Personality: likes school,hard-working,changes hobbies often,not sporty
Likes: sporks,randomness,trying new things,learning,working
Dislikes: slackers,spoons,laziness,people afraid of change

Name: Starlene (Star-Lean)
Gender: Female
Personality: A bit gothic,looks at the bad side of everything,can be caring
Likes: Black,Gray,Witches,Magic,black roses,
Dislikes: Pink,cheerleaders,makeup that isn't black,dolls

Name: pig_of_doom (pig of doom) xD
Gender: Male
Personality: Crazy,hyper
Likes: sugar,chocolate,screaming,being random
Dislikes: silence,veggies,school

Name: Xzw (Zeu)
Gender: Male
Personality: festive, creative
Likes: holidays,crafts,drawing
Dislikes: coal,party poopers, glue


"Get up,Betov! Krickette made us Sugar Rolls and Cinnamon Dolce Lattes!" Kharise yelled into Betov's pink infested bedroom. "Mmmmmm..." she moaned as she peeled off her fuzzy pink sleeping mask. She could use some coffee about now. She's been so tired from working on her new boutique,Pinkle. Seviiper,Paxtyn,Lacri and Kharise had been helping her. Her boutique only sold pink merchandise. Plus, it was totally pink and located on Puchala Avenue, the hottest shopping strips of the hot! Betov tossed her sleeping mask on her nightstand (pink,of course!wink.gif and hopped out of bed. She put her slippers on and sleepily walked into the kitchen. She could smell sweet smells of Krickette's cooking coming from the kitchen. Betov loved when she made Cinnamon Dolce Lattes. When she reached the kitchen, she plopped down on a flower chair around the long flower table. "Good Morning." she yawned as Krickette placed a Latte in front of Betov. "SUGAR ROLLS.YES,DUDE!" Pig whooped as he came into the kitchen and shoved a handful in his mouth. "Come yourself,"dude"." Starlene grumbled, pulling him away from the platter of sugar rolls. "Mpph Mmnmph!" he said while he chewed up sugar rolls. Pig loved sugar, he would eat it plain if you let him! I sipped my latte and watched Perils attempting to make her sugar rolls explode. Paxtyn headed off to math class, Convi headed to his friend's house,Eph went to the library in the house,Fei headed off for play auditions,Xy left for her art class,Kharise went to work in her garden, Krickette started working on a baking a cake for her friend's birthday, Muffi walked to her room to try to make a trip wire, Musics went to band class,Perils headed for Chemistry lab, Seviiper went to finish building Pinkle's shelving system,Starlene quietly walked out onto the porch and Pig was running around in circles around the dining room table. Alone, again. Betov headed off to her boutique, which was a few blocks away from their house. She drove her pink convertible to her boutique and started to price some merchandise. Neon Pink wallpaper, 1,500 MP. She typed the item name and price on her tag maker. A crisp pink tag with the Pinkle logo printed out of the machine a few seconds later. Betov clipped it on the wallpaper's package. A lot more merchandise had to be priced. Can't I pay someone to do this?, she thought. Betovernend pulled out her cell phone and called Pig's cell phone. He had lot's of energy,didn't he? He'll do anything for chocolate, she thought darkly. "Helloooooooo?" Pig answered out of breathe. "Hey, It's Betov! How would you like to earn some chocolate?" she said quickly. "CHOCOLATE?! COUNT ME IN. HOW?" he said loudly into the phone. She explained the job and in twenty minutes, he was there printing out tags,clipping them on merchandise and munching on chocolate hearts. Betovernend sat on the swiveling pink chair behind Pinkle's counter as she brushed her paws. Owning a boutique is hard work. "DONE." Pig announced. He brushed his paws on his shorts and walked off, with chocolate all over his face. "Well. Okay then." she mumbled to herself. An Easter Tasi walked into the shop. She was carrying a pink Mrada purse. Those were expensive! "Hello,my dear. I am Spidley. Do you have any pink sunglasses?" she announced loudly to Betov. "Um,Hi I'm Betovernend. Lovely name, I think I've heard it before. Wait! WAIT! Your Ian's pet! The president of Marada! she said in awe. The Tasi laughed, "Of course I am. Nice to meet you." She headed over to the sunglasses shelf and began to try on a few pairs.

Feiku's Story---
Her pink paw delicately turned each page of the Pop!Mara magazine. She burned each page into her mind,memorizing each model,outfit,and everything. She looked at each page,as if the most important thing in the world. She turned another page gently. A large image of her idol,Aishia Chibston was pasted on the page. She was wearing a hobo costume,with a chic flair and there was an article about her latest movie,Treasure,soon to be out on DVD. She played the star character, a hobo who finds treasure within himself. "Wow!" Feiku gasped as she read the article. Aishia rocked that hobo costume,even though it's a hobo costume! I bet I could do that one day. Feiku sighed. One day. Why couldn't she be famous and famous now? Feiku closed the magazine and placed it on the rack in her room. Trying to get famous is so hard,she thought to herself. She plopped down on her soft bed and drifted to sleep.
"FEIKU!FEI!FEI!!!!!" she awoke to Starlene's screaming and shaking her bed. "What?" she said groggily,rubbing her eyes. "That stupid actres your always obsessing about, Aisia Chibsen or something, was just hit by a car!" Starlene laughed,thrusting a newspaper in her face. "You mean Aishia Chibston?" Feiku shot up and grabbed the newspaper, It was a picture of Aishia wearing a cast and on crutches,and the story said they needed someone to fill in for the Treasure Movie. "Isn't that hilarious!" Starlene cackled evily,and Feiku jumped out of bed. "THIS is how I'm going to get famous!" she beamed as she pointed to the small print below the story that read "Audtitions being held August 30 at Lowlyhood Movies Inc. Looking for female hobo chibs between the ages of 100 days and 900 days." Starlene shrugged "Eh,I'm not a fan of movies and things,but whatever. How are you going to become a hobo chibs in just thirty days,Fei?" There was Starlene for you,always being logical. "Buy one!" Feiku grabbed her pink laptop off her nightstand and logged on to Mara, She searched hobo costumes. The lowest one was ten million. "TEN MILLION!?" Fei yelled. "I'll never get ten million in thirty days. She checked trades and the notice board and shops but there were no hobo costumes within her 3 million budget. Not even at the thrift shop. "Well...Maybe you can go in that temple that can change your costume into any costume you want? I heard it takes about thrity days..." Starlene suggested. Feiku's face brightened. "Starlene,you rock!" she hugged Starlene,grabbed her purse off the dresser and ran outside to go to Simeria,to become a hobo chibs.
She reached the temple,it was grungy and old,but she needed this. Day after day she practiced for her audtion,while beating each level. She reached the final level, paying up her last 300k on runes, and was finally awarded her hobo costume, she was so happy. She looked just like a celebrity! When it was finally audition time,she went to the building. Thousands of hobo chibs were sitting in a waiting room filled with chairs and a small television. More competition,Feiku sighed. She waited and waited and finally got called. "Feiku?" the nasaly woman behind the desk called. She followed the woman into a room,where Piete Roflinget the producer of so many movies, and the director sat on two director's chairs. She walked in standing tall with a big smile. "Hi, I'm Feik-" she started, but the director cut her off."NEXT!" he yelled,sipping his coffee. "But-" he shot her a glare. She walked out of the room sadly. She didn't even get a chance to audition! She didn't even get a chance to say her name! This was ridiculous. Now she is stuck being a hobo chibs,for who knows when and at a a loss of three million!

-----Unaware and Paxtyn----

The forces of light and darkness

Betov: Made her and got the potion from a friend (:

Convinced: Got from a friend [traded]

Ephaphant: Got from a friend

Feiku: Got from a friend and cossied her myself (:

Kharise: Got the name from my brother, potioned and cossied her myself

Krickette: Got from a friend and cossied her myself

Lacrimere: I have no clue xD

Muffinberreh: Made,potioned and cossied myself [traded]

Musics: from a friend

Paxtyn: everything from making to name to cossie to potion i did, with some donations from some friends for the potion n.n

Perils: From a friend, cossied myself

Seviiper: Adopted a long time a go, statted myself and potion from my brother

Shadyxx: from an amazing friend : )

Starlene: from my brother

Unaware: made, potioned myself. Costume from candi [sarikoko] <3

Xyleah: created, potioned and cossied myself

Xzw: traded for and cossied myself with costume as a gift (:

Pig_of_doom: from a friend, cossied myself

x_shakira_x: from my brother,cossied myself (:

  1. bday event items i still need
    26th Aug 2018 10:43
    6 years, 6 months & 18 days ago
  2. avatar goals
    24th Jun 2018 06:06
    6 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
  3. pets ive recently created
    10th Jun 2018 06:32
    6 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
  4. wardrobe wishlist
    29th May 2018 15:12
    6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  5. nts
    11th Dec 2011 12:49
    13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  6. my goals ???????
    11th Dec 2011 12:12
    13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  7. ~easy money making guide~ ?????????
    15th Oct 2011 15:16
    13 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
  8. graphic orders ??? ?? ???
    19th Jul 2011 14:21
    13 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
  9. ~my adoptables~ ^???^
    23rd Apr 2011 07:35
    13 years, 10 months & 21 days ago
  10. ??? peach town blog ???
    17th Apr 2011 17:45
    13 years, 10 months & 26 days ago