my friends
16 years, 7 months & 7 days ago

19th Aug 2008 03:10
hi im maddie and these are my friends at my club maraleaders,
magnet101 also known as (maggie) a great friend to be around and great sense ot homour.
canycane562 also known as (candy)so funny and just lovely friend to have.
fuzzybud also known as fuzzy a great friend and just one of the few friends that are great.
chosendragon (chosen)don't really know him but still friend.
luckyme8264 (lucky) a great friend and in my top 10 best friend in marapets.
hotgirljo also know as (jo) a great friend and in my top 6.
hippogroovygirlalso know as (hannah) my cousin and lovly friend and in my to 6 best friends in marapets.
maragirl28561 also know as (bagel) a great friend and helps me when i need her the most.
mickyc also know as micky) a great friend and always cheers you up when you sad.
she is not in my club but she is hannahs best friend and also my friend at school and outside school and her name is rachel mc kinnney also know as natalyfoever.
and me maddie also known as TIARACLUB999 and thx for reading my blog.
candyshop833, hendylove, princessayesha,werox123, puppieslove907,nokokal, hattielovesballet are pwnsome new friends that are the best.