MM me (lolteens) if you want to be staff!
Today, I updated the layout a bit and I'm starting to add more games. But, we are also looking for another very active staff member to help me out with games, the layout, activities, etc. MM me if you interested!
Today our great club was made! I am lolteens, but you can call me teens. I am working very hard on our club, and ask me if you want to become staff! We are new, so make sure to refer new people, because the more people we have, the more games we can play, the more giveaways we can have, and the more active our club can be by more members posting! Please enjoy the club!
MM lolteens and be sure to tell him your nickname so he can add it to the list! You can mm him here
MM lolteens and tell him your birth day so he can add it to the list! But only give him your month and date, not the year! You can MM him here
lolteens-August 21st
Dinosawr-September 16th
Spidermankid5-January 23rd
Once we get 5 members, we will hold a raffle! But, we can't play until we have 5 members in our club, so keep referring!
In order to compete in the raffle, buy a gumball in the club shop for 10k and mm lolteens to tell him you entered! You may buy as many gumballs as you want, and each gumball will increase your chances of winning. The raffle prize will depend on how many people buy tickets! So the more tickets you buy, the more mp to buy the prize!
() Willing to donate
() Participate in Activites
() Treat others how you want to be treated
() No club hopping
() Have FUN
Here, we have avie lending! Normally I would make people pay to borrow my avies, but there free for club members! To look at all the avies, go to lolteen's marasite here. Then, mm him to tell him what avies you want to borrow!You can mm him here. But remember, if you decide to keep my items, I will have to report you. Happy Lending!
Once we get 10 members, at then end of each month there will be a poll to judge the MOTM! In order to become MOTM, you have to donate, be active, and be helpful in chat.
Here, we have some great images you can use on your profile, forum sig, and anything else!

Once we get 10 members, at the end of each month the person that donated the most MP/Items will win DOTM. So I know that you donated, as soon as you donate please mm me here.
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Created by lolteens