??? Poison pit log
9 years, 8 months & 17 days ago

25th Jun 2015 22:40
26/06/15 - You dipped Ushunda Pencil into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Potato!30/06/15 - You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Quill!23/07/15 - You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Spiked Pear!03/08/15 - You dipped Orange Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Stamp!05/08/15 - You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pancake!14/08/15 - you dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pancake!15/08/15 - You dipped Beast in the Box into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Spiked Pear!18/08/15 - You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pearl!29/08/15 - You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Acid Rock!05/09/15 - You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Shurikens!11/11/15- You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
t's now Tuxedo Cat Skin!09/01/16 - You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Jelly!03/02/16 - You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Leopard Skin!17/02/16 -You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Flower!27/02/16 -You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Cider!20/03/16 - You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Wooden Nymph Skin!22/03/17 -You dipped Frozen Potato into the Poison Pit and...
It's now a retired Hero Trading Card!!! - Sold for 15m
04/07/17 -You dipped Chestnut Lipstick into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Quill!07/07/17 - You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pie!2/08/17- You dipped Tanning Salon Ticket into the Poison Pit and...
It's now a retired Dukka Town News Oct 2010!!!
Poison Pit Rarity Guide:Rarity 1
1. Rowan - 12mp (fruit shop price)
2. Quince - 24mp (fruit shop price)
3. Medlar - 25mp (fruit shop price)
4. Hawthorn - 32mp (fruit shop price)
Rarity 2
1. Black Beans - 10mp (veg shop price)
2. Fiddlehead - 12mp (veg shop price)
3. Celery - 13mp (veg shop price)
4. Piece of Broccoli - 15mp (veg shop price)
5. Endive - 18mp (veg shop price)
Rarity 3
1. Tanning salon ticket - 1mp
2. Rofling Gold Sword - 1mp
3. Murfin chase sword - 1mp
4. Addow ride gun - 1mp
Rarity 4
1. Tomato pork rib - 41mp (meat shop price)
2. A Whole Chicken - 80mp (meat shop price)
3. Four sausages - 157mp (meat shop price)
4. Purple Heart Lolly - 215mp (sweet shop price)
Rarity 5
1. Gigantic fairy mallet - 1mp
2. Tombola stamp - 1mp
Rarity 6
1. Fake one dukka coin - 1mp
2. Fake two dukka coin - 1mp
3. Fake three dukka coin - 1mp
4. Fake four dukka coin - 1mp
5. Fake five dukka coin - 1mp
6. Haunted house stamp - 1mp
Rarity 7
1. Dasher stamp - 64mp (stamp shop price)
2. Fruit shop stamp - 87mp (stamp shop price)
3. Giant fruit stamp - 121mp (stamp shop price)
4. Balloon Collecting Guide - 130mp (book shop price)
5. Veal Rack - 150mp (meat shop price)
6. Family Pork Ribs - 160mp (meat shop price)
Rarity 8
Eleka tombola stamp - 1mp
Rarity 9
1. Snow costume stamp - 121mp (stamp shop price)
2. Knutt stamp 135mp (stamp shop price)
3. Ushunda stamp - 157mp (stamp shop price)
4. Pork rib chop - 201mp (meat shop price)
5. Meatloaf - 231mp (meat shop price)
Rarity 10
1. Lush lake ticket - 1mp
2. Tombola tunes - 1mp
3. Some Zac clothing pieces -1mp
Rarity 11
1. Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon - 1mp
2. Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon - 1mp
Rarity 12
1. Test your strength pearl - 1mp
2. Satyr potato - 1mp
3. Usher #6, #7 and #20
Rarity 13
1. Satyr action figure - 1mp
2. Undying tombola - 1mp
Rarity 14
1. Yuni Brows Coupon - 1mp
2. Tyras plushie - 1mp
Rarity 15
Undying stamp - 1mp