Missions, Goals and Maps...
17 years & 9 days ago

10th Mar 2008 05:48
Blitzen [x] Silver Viotto Potion
Circus [x] Green Zoosh Potion
Clam [x] Orange Kronk Potion
Fates [xxx] Green Yuni Potion, Witch Yuni Potion, Plant Yuni Potion
Fugunzel Tower [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Blue Troit Potion, Red Troit Potion, Red Troit Potion, Yellow Troit Potion, Grey Troit Potion, Purple Troit Potion, Yellow Troit Potion, Blue Troit Potion, Purple Troit Potion, Purple Troit Potion, Red Troit Potion, Grey Troit Potion, Grey Troit Potion, Black Troit Potion
Hector the Collector []
Hospice [x] Purple Crikey Potion
Penitentiary [xxx] Pink Arinya Potion, Blue Arinya Potion, Purple Arinya Potion
Pirate Mafia [x] Green Pucu Potion
Puchala Bumpkin [xx] Orange Gizmo Potion, Grey Gizmo Potion
Rubbish Dump [xx] White Rusty Potion, Grey Rusty Potion
Sewer Cleaner [x] Enchanted Orange Basil Plushie
Tarquin [xxx] Red Poera Potion, Angel Poera Potion, Enchanted Yellow Poera Plushie
Troll [x] Ice Oglue Potion
Trotters [x] Green Zoink Potion
Trunx [x] Green Phanty Potion
Ublish [xx] Blue Huthiq Potion, Green Huthiq Potion