Obese Fairy
15 years, 9 months & 16 days ago

30th May 2009 19:15
What is a Gourmet Food?
Gourmet Food is ANY food that has a rarity of 10 or higher. You can check the rarity of the food in the Wishlist.
How do I feed a Gourmet Food to my pet?
The same way you would normally feed it to your pet.
Click the item > Use Item > Click the pet
If I feed more than one of the same item rarity 10+ to my pet does that count?
Nope, it has to be an individual item. Doubles of the food does not work.
What is rarity? I'm /still/ confused.
In the wishlist, EVERY item has the words [Rarity #] this just means how rare the item was/is.
Can I give ANYTHING to my pet rarity 10+?
No, it can only be food products. Good starting points are the bakery / chocolate / vegetable / fruit sections of the wishlist.
I can't find her on the map, is it a glitch?
Nope, the map hasn't been updated yet. If you copy and paste this link (http://www.marapets.com/obesefairy.php) into your address bar you can find her that way.
How do I see how many Gourmet Food's my pet has eaten?
Click your profile, click the pet you are feeding them too then you will have a button that says 'Gourmet Food' on it.
I can't see others Gourmet Foods is this glitched, should I report it?
Nope, it's not glitched, it is meant to be like that.
Can I have more than one pet with Gourmet Foods?
Yes, you can. You are not restricted to having one pet with Gourmet Foods. The one with the highest Gourmet Foods will be the prized one, the scored will NOT be added together.
How do I collect my prize?
I don't think it's coded yet, not quite sure. It could be automatic like the referral system, so many gourmet foods and get this item.
Do Restaurant Foods / Potatoes work?
Potatoes - Yes, they work.
Restaurant Food - Yes, they work.
Does Icecream work?
Yes, Ice cream also works.
[If anything needs adding, tell me]