Good People
16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

24th Jun 2008 06:52
No Particular Order.
Hiyaa-Best club leader around!
Zox162- Joe is always there for a person. And hes funny as well.You rule Joe.
kittens3-Kittens is like a stranger that you meet and you get attached because of the many things you have in common with them. Kittens rules!!!! SABA AND TOUCHY FOREVER!<33
bobert5026- Great person right there.Bobert rules.
chelsrocks1-Your just a great and kind person overall!XD
ChelsiLee-You rule and so do your Rustys!
BenjiMaddenlover2005- Your like my bestest friend on mara and your so hilarious!
lhuixian-You have always been there for me!
chocylover07-Your the best chocholate person a burger can ask for. Rask and Gingerly can be non Identical twins.<333 Thanks for all of the rustys! I really appreciate it and you know I do love them!
minnwild07- Ive known you for a good amount of time and will never forget your kindness.
ANKGproductions-SALAD FINGERS!<333
Candycane562- I thank you again for such a great Phanty.
You rule!
animallover15- Great friend.
nikkihar520- Long time friend on mara, great buddy.
baotienduong- Sally you rule! And your the most active person in our club!=DD
sandiegochargers-Known you for a while, your quite funny.
nickster02- You are and will always be a great friend!
classicalgirl13- Funny and a good friend.
CelesteRosa- Your a great person to talk to/XDD
Codestone- Your just great.
Myrko- Banned but not forgotten!<333
whywhywow-Still look back on the day we met, wont forget it.
Sarah1990- Your such a great person.
Lexipez15- Your very kind hearted!
henny- Awesome and the best!
starbuzz- Best person to talk too!Love her!
Post to be added.