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  1. Note to Self.
    26th Feb 2009 17:18
    16 years & 19 days ago
  2. Note to Staff.
    21st Feb 2009 10:32
    16 years & 24 days ago
  3. Buying!!!
    21st Feb 2009 10:28
    16 years & 24 days ago
  4. Max
    3rd Nov 2008 15:12
    16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  5. Never in a Million bajillion years.
    30th Sep 2008 17:56
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  6. Good People
    24th Jun 2008 06:52
    16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  7. R.I.P. Max 3/12/08
    16th Mar 2008 16:15
    17 years & 1 day ago
Good People
16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
24th Jun 2008 06:52

No Particular Order.

Hiyaa-Best club leader around!
Zox162- Joe is always there for a person. And hes funny as well.You rule Joe.
kittens3-Kittens is like a stranger that you meet and you get attached because of the many things you have in common with them. Kittens rules!!!! SABA AND TOUCHY FOREVER!<33
bobert5026- Great person right there.Bobert rules.
chelsrocks1-Your just a great and kind person overall!XD
ChelsiLee-You rule and so do your Rustys!
BenjiMaddenlover2005- Your like my bestest friend on mara and your so hilarious!
lhuixian-You have always been there for me!
chocylover07-Your the best chocholate person a burger can ask for. Rask and Gingerly can be non Identical twins.<333 Thanks for all of the rustys! I really appreciate it and you know I do love them!
minnwild07- Ive known you for a good amount of time and will never forget your kindness.
ANKGproductions-SALAD FINGERS!<333
Candycane562- I thank you again for such a great Phanty.
You rule!
animallover15- Great friend.
nikkihar520- Long time friend on mara, great buddy.
baotienduong- Sally you rule! And your the most active person in our club!=DD
sandiegochargers-Known you for a while, your quite funny.
nickster02- You are and will always be a great friend!
classicalgirl13- Funny and a good friend.
CelesteRosa- Your a great person to talk to/XDD
Codestone- Your just great.
Myrko- Banned but not forgotten!<333
whywhywow-Still look back on the day we met, wont forget it.
Sarah1990- Your such a great person.
Lexipez15- Your very kind hearted!
henny- Awesome and the best!
starbuzz- Best person to talk too!Love her!

Post to be added.thumbsup.gif

R.I.P. Max 3/12/08
17 years & 1 day ago
16th Mar 2008 16:15

This journal entry is dedicated to my dog Max. He passed away on 3/12/08 because of an overdose of anesthesia by a vet. He was getting his ears cropped that say but when they put him under those sleeping drugs he never woke up. There was complications during his surgery. He bled through his mouth and some tubes. The last time I saw him the doctors told me not to lift the blanket up. The did an autopsy on him and they found nothing wrong with his body. Max was only 9 weeks and 1 day old. I owned him for only 2 weeks and 4 days. Now my dog Scrappy is scared to ride in a car because his best friend never came back from that car ride to the vet. I miss you Max and you will always be in my heart.

He would tug on the leaves of the palm trees.He would bark at his reflection in the clear blue water of the pool. He would chase me around the edges of the pool hoping he wouldnt fall in.But I wouldve caught him if he did. He was so playful.Well I have good news, My dad says that the vet is buying me a new dog. Hes arriving next month.Cant wait for my heart to fall for another pet. Hope it doesnt break again though.

  1. Note to Self.
    26th Feb 2009 17:18
    16 years & 19 days ago
  2. Note to Staff.
    21st Feb 2009 10:32
    16 years & 24 days ago
  3. Buying!!!
    21st Feb 2009 10:28
    16 years & 24 days ago
  4. Max
    3rd Nov 2008 15:12
    16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  5. Never in a Million bajillion years.
    30th Sep 2008 17:56
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  6. Good People
    24th Jun 2008 06:52
    16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  7. R.I.P. Max 3/12/08
    16th Mar 2008 16:15
    17 years & 1 day ago