9 years, 10 months & 27 days ago

17th Apr 2015 03:55
These are the completed missions from the magic box's Easter party! 17/04/15
1. Yami successfully posted the word party in 25 different posts

2. Johny managed to say mad hatter 15times

3. Lance for posting the word tea 25 times
4. Lance for calling ary, Harry 3times
5. Lance for adding 3items to club 1mp auctions
6. Allana for hugging Draco 15 times
7. Zoe call Draco 'great leader' for today
8. Ary call johanna a poo 25times
9. Tina for flirting outrageously with everyone
Goals: update 2015
10 years, 1 month & 17 days ago

27th Jan 2015 15:51
Ok so by the end of 2015 I though I'd give myself some achievable goals to meet!!!! So here they are:
1. Save enough Olympics points for a Figaro maker()
2. Make my decas baby and toddler(/)
3. Turn my chibs to fat()
4. Finish off fishing treasure map()
5. Complete epi()
6. Get trophies on my page!!!! Any I can! (1)
So, erm, yea may add to this if I manage this all but this is what I really want to achieve! In between will be feeding my pet gfs, completing goals and missions, helping my club and friends as much as I possibly can! My biggest goal is to keep the amazing friends I have and hopefully meet new ones!
When I came back to mara a year ago roughly I just thought it would be like before. I'd play for a while, get bored, move on to something else... I didn't realise I'd meet such wonderful people, I would actually consider as my friends! You all know who you are so if you read this just want to say THANK YOU! For helping me, both with mara and other things, and for all the giggles we have had! Long may it continue!!!

love ya all!!!! Xxx
My Goals
16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago

29th Mar 2008 11:12
Complete all treasure maps
Volcano (16/16)
Christmas (16/16)
whirlpool (16/16)
Fishing (16/16)
Complete all missions
Blitzen (17)
trotter (6)
Clam (X)
Troll (x)
ublish ()
Tarquin (Xx)
Trunx ()
Rubbish ()
Fugunzel ()
circus ()
trying to complete blitzen, running low on mp though because christmas map costs soooo much so please buy from my shop and bid on my auctions, sticking to the low levels of all untill I build my mp back up xxx