Because I have no life and feel like writing...
12 years, 8 months & 1 day ago

11th Jul 2012 14:17
Just a few little short stories...Really short stories.
Currently untitled story 1
Maybe this is a dream. It has to be. I look up at the freestanding doorway, and the girl is standing there. She's covered in dust and dirt, along with the tattered teddy bear she's holding. Her lips move, but I hear nothing. She widens her eyes. Confused, I look around. There's nothing there. The world is just piles of rubble. I look back at the doorway, and the girl is gone. I feel breathing on my shoulder. Startled, I just stare forward. She's right next to me.
"It's all your fault." She says. She looks at me in a serious way. Then she starts screaming.
Then it's all over.
That was random really short story one. Partly inspired by the music video for "The Howling" by Within Temptation.
I'll do more later. Maybe.
So excited and nervous at the same time!!!!
13 years, 1 month & 1 day ago

11th Feb 2012 19:56
I just ordered my first BJD!
She's a Resinsoul Ju. So excited ^____^
I ordered her from Denver Doll Emporium. If anyone's ordered from them, how long does shipping take if the item was in stock?
To anyone who bought siggies from me....
13 years, 3 months & 10 days ago

3rd Dec 2011 13:50
I re-organized my photos on photobucket, causing some of the siggies to come up as "This photo has been moved or deleted".
If the siggy you bought from me does this, mail me and I'll send you a link to the moved copy.
Please be a good friend...
13 years, 7 months & 11 days ago

2nd Aug 2011 13:13
This year, I had 2 friends, let's call them Destiny and Celia.
Both were just like my sisters, except for one thing: They HATED each other.
That didn't stop me from being friends with both.
Eventually, my friendship with Celia went down hill. She started to call me things like "Idiot, "Stupid", and "Re.tard", thinking it was funny. She would critisize everything I did/had: my clothes, my hair, my drawings, my books, my other friend. She would boss me around and I went along with it, just for the sake of our friendship. I got so frustrated: she treated me like a dog.She wouldn't even listen to some things I would say, just walk away and claim "She didn't want to hear about it". After a while, I stopped talking to her. It had been a month since I had talked to her, when I asked her a simple question in wood shop class- "How much were the pegs again?" I had to ask her because she was the only one not working in the back (Not sawing, sanding, etc.). She replied-" Why are you talking to me?"...I replied "I just want to know how much the pegs are. You are the only one here.". She replied "Whatever. Go ask someone else.". That hurt me more than you would think. She hated me so much that she couldn't answer my question.
What she did to me really affected me. So, just a little reminder: Please be a good friend and avoid people who seem like bad friends.