Marapets people <3
16 years, 2 months & 22 days ago

23rd Dec 2008 05:00
Marapets has its good and bad. But one of the most wonderful good things about it are the kind people on here. So if you've donated to me, given me anything, or just been kind to me I am eternally greatful to you =]
A special mention to:
Aliya92 who gave me Gothek the rotten sindi AND an Ember AND an Ice Costume! <33
Mr.Pea who gave me Rune F AND a Love Dress AND Female Suede Boots! <33
lokipassion who gave me Klein AND Neekoh <33
midnightsunrise who gave me a green rofling potion! <3
Excell who gave 600k in her giveaway! <3
BasmahShahzad who gave me an Ember <3
Anopheles who gave me 10 poops <3
And countless, countless other people =]
Got the best christmas pressie on Mara <3
16 years, 2 months & 24 days ago

21st Dec 2008 02:17
By bestest friend Neko [lokipassion] who was like my bestest friend from the good 'ol days is back! <3
Now, you better not leave again =D
Or I'll stalk you

To Staff
16 years, 3 months & 7 days ago

7th Dec 2008 05:16
I sometimes log in at my cousin's [WindWhistler] house.
She's underaged, so her older sister [FallenSkyStar] sometimes guides her around the site. They both also log in on my computer.
We also log in on different browsers [google chrome, firefox]
Oh, and I was looking up my username in satellite one day, and found an account called "Fayren1" I do not have multiple accounts. The only other person that plays on my computer is my cousin and my friend [mentioned above].