Rude People
17 years, 1 month & 22 days ago

21st Jan 2008 10:53
Wow! After being on Marapets for over 8 months I finall met a really rude and mean person. I thought I found the perfect site where people were kind and considerate to each other. It saddens me to have ran across such a mean and down right awful person. I just wanted to thank the rest of Marada for not being that way. I hope that she one day learns that being nice makes more sense then to just be rude to everyone you meet.
17 years, 5 months & 24 days ago

19th Sep 2007 22:51
I am working on Avatars and hope to have over a 100 by the end of next month
If you have any hints that would be great
Dream Pet
17 years, 5 months & 26 days ago

17th Sep 2007 20:05
I have all my dream pets. I would love to get a Chibs for my daughter. My Goal is to have MegaMegababy123 be the best battle dome pet ever and win every Knutt Knight quest ever requested of me.