this is a poem about me by tyler
10 years, 6 months & 18 days ago

26th Aug 2014 13:25
dwell not upon those days gone by
in which you dined with lords on high -
did something trouble your languid sleep
that you've returned to herd the sheep?
you've shaken off your mortal coils -
returned at last to claim your spoils.
though the slumbering, behemoth beasts
with whom you once would troll and feast
upon the corpses of the dead,
the newbs, the lemmings, the sheep that fled,
before your mighty lords abreast -
they've not come back - been laid to rest -
it's you who's journeyed back to see
what's become of peasants set free
from the reigning terror of FMIE.
so dwell not upon that teenaged rage,
which the solitude of real life did cage,
that lashed and howled toward the skies
and loosed itself only online -
dwell not upon those angsty feels
let time and memory soothe and heal,
think fondly upon those days gone by
in which you dined with lords on high.