16 years, 7 months & 1 day ago

24th Aug 2008 15:15
ahhh sorry every one for like not getting online much... i just get bored really easyliy.
I hate answering junk mail so I'll answer here.
17 years, 1 month & 13 days ago

11th Feb 2008 19:18
No. I dont want to be in your club.
No. I dont want to be your bff.
No. Not your girlfriend/boyfriend either.
No.Im not answering "wutz up ppl?Omg so not chillin'" Stuff.
No. Im not giving up my pets,Mp,clothes,or items.
No. I hate totally random Maramail. I'm ok with people asking me stuff like my favorites and my hobbies stuff like that.
Thats all I can think of at the moment, but as people annoy me This list will get longer. I do have a temper, but I only blow up at people who push buttons and cross my limits.
Club Invites
17 years, 1 month & 14 days ago

10th Feb 2008 18:43
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!! I have never wanted to be in anyones club,and that is not going to change. just today i got a maraclub invite that says "I love you and now you are in vited to my club"
Ewwwwww! this is a computer game. Yuck. From now on anyone who sends me a club invite will have a one way ticket to my block list and if you continue to bug me, I will report you.
And anyway on my profile I have clearly stated that I dont like want to be in anyones club.
P.S: I am not being mean/rude. I am not too fond of people I have not met and I DONT LIKE CLUBS!!!!!!!!
good bye my Fellow maradans!
17 years, 1 month & 17 days ago

8th Feb 2008 12:10
Goodbye My fellow Maradans! I shall miss you greatly! leaving you will be a thorn in my side! But I must go and claim my victory!
Ok enough with the drama. I will be gone in seattle for three days at a dance compititon but I will be back soon,so dont mourn my loss for too long. Please dont maramail me when Im gone because i dont want a load to read through. And for the last time NO! I dont want to be in anyones club!
Murder on mcloughlin!
17 years, 1 month & 20 days ago

4th Feb 2008 18:20
Mcloughlin is the street like nine blocks from my home and somebody was murdered at a gas station there. It happened at around 4 in the morning and the whole things creepy but its doubley creepy for me because i live near there and I was awake at 4! And my friend doggylov lives down the street from where it happened! I am so not sleeping tonite!