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  1. <3
    22nd Mar 2015 09:18
    9 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  2. You have 515,340 Spy Points
    17th Nov 2014 08:12
    10 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. hachibe has been renamed
    26th Sep 2014 08:06
    10 years, 5 months & 18 days ago
  4. me.
    2nd Sep 2014 16:11
    10 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  5. Cichol is now wearing Nightmare Costume
    18th Aug 2014 15:56
    10 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
  6. You currently have 27,012 Spy Points to spend
    26th Jul 2014 05:56
    10 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  7. Final Pet Goals.
    2nd Feb 2014 06:31
    11 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  8. ________ has sent you the pet Kiaralyia.
    20th Jan 2014 21:37
    11 years, 1 month & 22 days ago
  9. <3 Welcome Patronage
    17th Dec 2013 16:41
    11 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  10. Thank you for finishing my mission on time.
    12th Dec 2013 06:04
    11 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
Through the Portal (Please comment what you think)
13 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
3rd Jan 2012 08:20

(Please comment what you think xD No Flames and don't comment on bad spelling/grammer I know that already it's unedited.))

It???s always just another simple day if you asked me why it was so simple I could have told you it was because of the daily routine I went through. Right now it began with sleeping something any teenager loved. You never got enough of it because of school. ???RING RING RINGGGG,??? I heard the sound of my alarm clock and without rolling out of bed I hit it so it would stopped and turned over. Just five more minutes that???s all I wanted. I continued to sleep and then I heard the sound of creeping. I ignored it too lazy to get out of bed. Then it hit me ???SPLASH!??? shouted Mark one of my two annoying brothers. Freaking cold water doused me and I immediately jolted up. ???YOU FREAKING ???,??? I heard a knock at my bedroom door belonging to my father, ???Don???t finish that sentence I asked Mark to wake you up,??? he said sternly I whipped the cold water off my face and undid my ponytail looking at my wet red hair. I glared at Mark angrily, ???What did dad pay you???? Mark laughed at me ???Nothing shorty!??? I shut my eyes there was that stupid name. Shorty. It wasn???t my fault I was short but it pained me when my older brother used that nickname on me. I was silent and stared down at my blue sheets. Mark walked out of my room, ???Breakfast???s in ten and you better hurry up if you want a ride to school!??? he said as he barreled downstairs.
Oh that???s right school started up again. I gulped and shivered feeling cold from the bucket of water Mark spilled on me. I got up and stretched yawning for a moment and rubbing my eyes. I took my time knowing it would annoy Mark it wasn???t like I cared that I was going to be late. There really wasn???t much to look forward to. I turned on the shower taps then stripped and took a shower. ???School School School,??? I muttered to myself under my breath. Just another simple and non-exciting day. I got out and I heard Mark???s voice again, ???Breakfast! Hurry your ass up!??? he yelled. I stepped out wearing a towel over my body. ???I???m in a towel moron!??? I yelled back. I cursed under my breath as I heard his response, ???In a towel? I???m sure your teachers would love to see that!??? he called back. ???Screw you!??? I hissed under my breath as I heard his laughter. I waltzed back into my room picking out an outfit for school. A simple black shirt, a white hoodie, and a pair of jeans. Unless you were a part of the privileged life you really didn???t care much for clothes and I wasn???t one of them. Zipping up my hoodie again I heard my brother???s voice. Did he ever shut up? ???Hurry up!??? he yelled, ???I???m going to be late if I drive you!??? I barreled down the stairs as I saw my mother wince at Mark???s loud voice as he sat at the table eating breakfast, with my little brother Dan who seemed to be reading a book, and my father who was leaving for work. ???I???m here asshole,??? I muttered under my breath as I joined them. My father darted his eyes at me ???Language please it???s bad enough you and Mark swear we don???t need Dan to start swearing to.??? ???I???m sure he???s heard it from his classmates before haven???t you Dan???? Mark looked at our little brother as he flipped a page and looked at us timidly, ???I guess I heard Tasha using it before, she was having a fight with Carmen and called her a bad word,??? ???Which was???? Mark said cheekily trying to get Dan to at least swear once. ???Good try Mark,??? Dan???s eyes darted back towards his book as Mark looked back at me ???Hurry up okay, I have to get back to university!??? he swallowed down the rest of his food and I took a few bites of mine I swallowed. ???Your classes don???t start tell ten,??? I muttered under my breath as my father walked towards my little brother and gave him a kiss on the head, ???Have a good day??? he said to Dan. He looked at me and Mark, ???Stay out of trouble you two and have a good day back at school,??? he said curtly with a nod.
???I can feel the love,??? I thought to myself sarcastically. I didn???t look at either of my siblings. Mark, Dan and I were three different people. Mark was the only getting into trouble but he had the social life I was jealous of, Dan was the model son never getting into trouble, never swearing and then there was me. Plain, simple me. My life was just ordinary. It wasn???t always like that, it used to be extraordinary but that was six years ago.
???Come on hurry up times wasting,??? Mark said as he stood up grabbing his car keys off the table. I finished picking at my breakfast and only taking a few bites I wasn???t that hungry school made me lose my appetite. I picked up my bag and Dan stood up too leaving his book on the table. He walked downstairs grabbing his coat and putting on his shoes. I followed taking my time as Mark just pulled on his shoes. He grinned at me, ???Hurry the hell up slowpoke,??? I rolled my eyes at him again. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like had I had sisters. I thought about it, ???Nope the experience wouldn???t be any different.??? I yelled out ,??? Bye Mom,??? she stood up the top of the steps and smiled at me she waved and whispered, ???Try and have a good day at school.??? Key word try I suppressed a snort. Once upon a time I could get through school with having a ???good day??? but now I had to try. Trying doesn???t mean good things when it comes to having a good day. It either means there???s something wrong or you???re at the bottom of that social high school totem pole lucky for me I suffer through both.
Yeah lucky me but it always wasn???t like that. So I keep saying that to myself under my breath, ???Not my fault wasn???t always like that,??? Dan and Mark shot me funny looks and I snapped out of my mini trance. ???Weren???t you the one who told me to hurry my ass up???? I huffed at Mark. Mark looked back at the front of the car and whispered, ???You dork???s buckled in???? I looked at Dan and he shot me a half smile. My dorky brother and my older socialite brother got to hate that dork???s but at the same time I had to have some part of me that loved the two dweebs. ???Yeah were ready,??? I chirped up. Mark kicked the car into starter and we were all off. ???Hope you don???t mind but I got to drop the dweeb off first,??? without turning around he pointed a finger at Dan. ???Nah I don???t mind,??? then I heard Dan interrupt, ???Why do I need to---???I turned my head towards him and then I saw him nod rather furiously, ???Yeah I???ve got AP classes to sort out.??? My green eyes narrowed as I looked back at Mark, ???He???s 12 when was his class smart enough to separate into a smarter class???? ???I don???t buy it,??? I folded my arms and huffed. ???Either she???s getting too smart for us or you???re a bad liar Dan,??? muttered Mark loud enough for the two of us to hear.
???For one I???m not stupid!??? I piped up, ???And I???m a bad liar??? Dan admitted under his breath. I looked out the window wondering why Mark was getting Dan to lie like that. Were they trying to hide something from me? Siblings in general had their moments and I defiantly had some with Mark and Dan but those two idiots had other ways of bothering me. Why only today did they decide to be different? I bit my lip, ???Just an ordinary day just another ordinary day,??? I kept repeating under my breath. I realized the car had stopped in front of Dan???s school. This place hadn???t changed much as I stared at the car window lost in thought. This was the same place Mark and I had gone to school.
???Can I walk Dan to the doors???? I said quietly. ???I???m 12 why is there any need to---,??? I noticed that Mark shot Dan a glare and Dan sighed heavily.??? Fine but like don???t go talking to anyone or anything you???re going to make me look so uncool,??? he grumbled as he opened the door and I followed. ???When did 12 year olds have to worry about how cool they looked???? I thought in my head as I opened the door as well and walked towards the old school leaving Dan behind me sort of. I looked around one thing I had appreciated about my old elementary school was the sense of old it had to it but that seemed gone. Things looked painted over or brand new. I guess you can???t keep the memories forever can you? Dan raced after me and he and I started to walk to the front of the school. Then I heard a voice, ???Hey Dan!??? I turned around and I saw a cute little girl, who looked rather mature for her age, she had grey eyes, light brown hair tied back in ponytail faded clothing but oddly enough the combination suited her. Then I froze I stayed petrified scared out of my mind as I saw the person standing next to her. I watched as Dan run over to her not even noticing my sudden fear. ???Hi Carmen! Hi Kaden!??? Dan said cheerfully waving to the older boy standing right next to Carmen. The boy Kaden waved to Dan and looked at me. I looked away quickly. I guess you can???t keep the memories you want to keep forever can you?
I looked up again swallowing my fear but I remained in my spot as I watched Carmen and Dan talk. I tried not to pay attention if Kaden was still there or not. I almost wanted to cry when I saw how happy those two were just smiling and laughing together. I missed that I missed having friends where you could share a smile or two.

Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchante
13 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
15th May 2011 11:41

Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Rainbow Zetlian Plushie!

First time getting something worth any value owo
May 15th/2011.

What my pets are worth ~.
13 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
11th May 2011 06:51

Atlee: about 5 mill
Byakuya: 1.5mill.
Damfication: 29.5 mill ^^
Digi=7.5mill Wide Grin.
Gabri: 29 mill ^^
Gazzy: 12mill.
Iauron: 4.5mill
Idenity: 8mill ^^
Iggy: 6.5mill
Kiyone: 6.5mill
Konera: 7.5mill
Mezzera:37 mill
Minazuki= 15mill
Taiu= 52 mill
Mykial: 28 mill
Senmiddyfish= 8.2mill

0/5000 fish items 0/5000 worm items
14 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
1st Jan 2011 16:50

*Must acomplish by the end of 2011*

Actually Dan I don't have any fish.
14 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
9th Dec 2010 15:29


  1. <3
    22nd Mar 2015 09:18
    9 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  2. You have 515,340 Spy Points
    17th Nov 2014 08:12
    10 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. hachibe has been renamed
    26th Sep 2014 08:06
    10 years, 5 months & 18 days ago
  4. me.
    2nd Sep 2014 16:11
    10 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  5. Cichol is now wearing Nightmare Costume
    18th Aug 2014 15:56
    10 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
  6. You currently have 27,012 Spy Points to spend
    26th Jul 2014 05:56
    10 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  7. Final Pet Goals.
    2nd Feb 2014 06:31
    11 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  8. ________ has sent you the pet Kiaralyia.
    20th Jan 2014 21:37
    11 years, 1 month & 22 days ago
  9. <3 Welcome Patronage
    17th Dec 2013 16:41
    11 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  10. Thank you for finishing my mission on time.
    12th Dec 2013 06:04
    11 years, 3 months & 1 day ago