17 years & 2 months ago

15th Jan 2008 02:09
Thank you for finishing my quest on time. Here is your reward..
12,235MP (santaclaw)7.1.2008
15,000RP (leprechaun) 11.1.2008, 15.1.2008
Haunted House Stamp,25,000MP(elger)25.2.08
Ball of Silver Yarn+9,933MP(FARMER) 10.3.08
13,880MP (santaclaw) 5.12.2008
25000mp + santa claw trading card 13.12.2008
11,674MP (santaclaw) 4.01.2012
12,181 MP (Secret santa) 7.01.2012
9,297 MP (GARAGE) 12.01.2012
book, chronicle, mummy, steam, rip, nut, holiday, eel, volum
List of Thanks!
17 years & 2 months ago

14th Jan 2008 18:54
My List of thanks ! This is the first time I am starting it as today i found first person on marapets who is really helpful.
Thanks lisa1964 for female nefarious costume . 7.jan,2008
Thanks Soccer4cmp for going banana avatar. 12.jan,2008
Thanks Jamie_c55 for lending me the elf costume. 25.feb.2008
Lend 800k to iBasket23
Saviour is God!
17 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

11th Jan 2008 08:50
Today we had an accident in our house. A wire snapped and whole bathroom was on fire. we had a real tough time getting it under control. Thank god dad was home else we would have got into serious troubles. My fingers are still trembling thinking about the situation we were in.