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  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 13 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
Sharing my teddy bears!
11 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
1st Sep 2013 08:05

Hello everyone!

So not many people know, but in my spare time as a hobby I like to do fabric craft. Mainly cushions, message boards and embroidered messages, but yesterday I attempted a teddy bear!

It took me 4.5 hours to make him (the one with blue bits) and I was really happy with him. He matches the same fabric I used to reupholster the rocking chair my grandad gave me! However I also felt bad that he didn't have a friend so today I made a second one (in the darker fabric) to keep him company. That one only took 3.5 hours!

What do you all think? Smile

Pet Trading History
11 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
28th Aug 2013 02:43

A list of pets I've owned and traded away.
(yes it's a lot. I like to trade pets until they are perfect)

Christul (statted fairy chibs) ??? Traded with a figgy for a baby figgy (Brattish)
Brattish (baby figgy) ??? Traded with ice cream mordo (Willeve) for 2 figaros (Hoboy and Kurlon)
Willeve (ice cream mordo) ??? Traded with Baby figgy (Brattish) for 2 figaros (Hoboy and Kurlon)
Kelvyn (Snow Figaro) ??? Traded with negative figaro (Chiroe) for a toddler Basil (Rattattuie)
Basnia (kamilah figgy) ??? Traded for ???
Talyia (sparkle quell) ??? Traded with skeleton Huthiq (Skeletol) for devil vixen (Headur) and chirstmastree quell (sayzar)
Skeletol (skeleton huthiq) ??? Traded with sparkle quell (Talyia) for devil vixen (Headur) and chirstmastree quell (sayzar)
Headur (devil vixen) ??? Traded for ???
Sayzar (christmastree Quell) ??? traded for chocolate Vixen (Evich)
Talper (underwater quell) ??? Traded for ???
Evich (chocolate Vixen) ??? Traded with seasonal vixen (Kaecey) for Baby Willa (Dahrling)
Daislii (toy viotto) ??? Gave away to a friend
Chontaine (choc chibs) ??? Traded for ???
Rihanna (pixie chibs) ??? Traded for ???
Kulle (Emo sindi) ??? Traded for ???
Manuscript (Royal chibs) ??? Traded for Baby Chibs (Darlue)
Opticol (cupid gizmo) ??? Traded for ice cream Mordo (Willeve)
Lanyn (rainbow Viotto) ??? traded for cotton candy chibs (Luviya)
Soldatus (plushie Huthiq) ??? Traded for ???
Huthinnia (mermaid huthiq) ??? Traded for ???
Jacobien (statted snow bolimo) ??? Traded for ???
Devoting (Bee Dakota) ??? Traded for a grey chibs (Guadulupe)
Leyrah (Ice cream Mordo) ??? Traded for winter Kujo (Lonerism)
Theories (mummy Echlin) ??? Traded for ice fairy quell (Romanesta)
Romanesta (ice fairy quell) ??? Traded for cotton candy snookle (Saskinia)
Saskinia (cotton candy Snookle) ??? Traded for ice cream snookle (Terisea)
Terisea (ice cream snookle) ??? Traded for
Lonerism (winter Kujo) ??? Traded for Seasonal Vixen (Kaecey)
Kaecey (seasonal Vixen) ??? Traded for Baby Willa (Dahrling)
Tealynn (hobo chibs) ??? Traded for Old Chibs (Irvana)
Inputent (ice mordo)
Morana (mutant mordo)
Ninarella (seasonal viotto) ??? Traded with old chibs for Baby Chibs (Madilynna)
Irvana (Old Chibs) ??? Traded with seasonal viotto for Baby Chibs (Madilynna)
Madilynna (Baby Chibs) ??? Traded for negative Figaro (Chiroe)
Chiroe (Negative Figaro) - Traded with a snow figgy (Kelvyn) for a toddler Basil (Rattattuie)
Oktoburfest (statted underwater tantua) ??? Traded for Charosa (cotton candy chibs)
Triumpher (love Daisy with lots of gourmet food) - Traded for ???
Tagine (pixie Sindi) - Traded for ???

Not due to trade value, but because I miss the pets.
Manucript (now a spring chibs Sad Her name used to be perfect for her royal costume)

11 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
5th Aug 2013 03:45

I can't believe it has practically been a year since we got married. This year has flown by. It has been wonderful, being married really has given the realtionship a new sense of stability and security and me, a new sense of belonging Smile

I have enjoyed every single minute of married life and "husband" continues to be my favourite word. I still smile whenever I say it. And hearing him introduce me to new people as his "wife" really does warm my heart. We have grown massive amounts over this past year, not only as a copule, but as individuals also. I never knew it was possible for a person to mean as much to you as he means to me. And I really do feel a stronger love for him with every waking day.

It will be our 1st Anniversary on Saturday. I'm so excited as we will be in Majorca, so it will be extra special. I'm so proud to be his wife, he is the most amazing man i've ever met in my life (next to my daddy) and there is nobody in this world that could have taken his place in my heart.

Looking forward to the second year of married life! OkayAdore

??10 AU winners announced!
11 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
3rd Aug 2013 17:25

[center]OK, it???s taken me ages to decide and I???m sorry. Ive had some great help from Amanda too, but finally I have decided!!

The WINNERS are:

4 AU ??? hotchick195 ??? max coordination booster
4 AU ??? authenticity ??? Quests Giftbox


Runner up PRIZES went to the following because I liked their apps / goals:

Decomposition ??? Swondor Trading Card for your club
Kiamonster ??? Slime costume (Happy Birthday)
Ghibli ??? 5 crystals
Sweetieful ??? Premium Hair Treasure map 12
Veille ??? EPI 15
BlissfulRomance ??? EPI 13
Sadie2000 ??? Autumn costume
Ohderp ??? Elf Female Costume
stsimonstock - Blue Phanty Potion

Thanks to EVRYONE that entered, I had fun and hop you all did too. Your apps were lovely and it was great to hear about all your goals. I had some tough decisions, hence why there are so many runner up prizes. If you would like feedback, I made some notes below.
Hope to see you all around soon Smile Thanks for participating!

Sadie2000 ??? It???s so kind that you apped for Bunny, I respect that a lot. And that siggy you made for me is gorgeous, thank you so much!
Authenticity ??? So much effort in this app, and lovely to see such creativity and gorgeous pink pictures! Nice of you to want to help your sister out.
Daffodilly123 ??? Lovely poem
Darkkiller ??? Lovely app, well laid out, lots of effort and creative. Nice you apped for a friend, lovely gift.
Blissfulromance ??? Fab joke. Very honest and individual app, enjoyed reading it.
Veille ??? Loved reading info about your boyfriend sweet. Adorable cat photo
Sweetieful ??? So much effort in this app and lots of pink! Yay. Loved the graphics millions.
Nodoubt ??? Loved the layout of app, enjoyed reading.
Bethan123 ??? Happy birthday
Eisenna ???So, you dislike pink and didn???t take French. Oh dear lol. I???m joking. Good luck though hun, would have liked more creativity
MaverickHer0 ??? Didn???t tell me why you want the au.
Hotchick195 ??? Worked very hard on your deck, now its time to put it to good use!
Corinacute101 ??? Unicorn_fairly is looking good, and I liked the poem you quoted.
Stsimonstock - lovely app, enjoyed reading. Good luck with goals
Teodaniellesm ??? Interesting to read, would have liked to read more about your mara goals etc
Ghibli ??? Fab stats, good luck. Would have liked some more creativity though
Florizza27 ???Didnt put the word pink in Smile
Jewelybearlover ??? Fantastic love for chibs! Nice app.
Krusty13 ??? Good luck with your Dream pet / ice cream mordo goal, I???m sure you will get there soon!
Hannahsmh ??? Good read, not quite creative enough for me though I???m afraid.
Vivia ??? Not enough detail ???what pets name do you want to change?
Kiamonster ??? Not enough creativity, but good luck with goals and have nice bday
IamJasper ???Fab Oglue army, but sad that you have no love for pink!
Rubberone2345 ??? Good luck on this account. Write your password somewhere safe incase you forget
Nheira ??? Lots of nice goals there, for your friends also. Not enough creativity though.
Decomposition ??? Very kind to donate to your club. Happy 1 year birthday to you all!
CelesteRosa ??? You said a lot about loving doing art but didn???t add any to make your app creative. I???m also not sure how the AUS could go to a puppy shelter?
Ohderp ??? Loved your jokes about pink fluff!
Alixiao ??? We are unable to transfer aus from one account to the other I???m afraid so I couldn???t get you extra blog space Sad
Katlyn ??? Not as creative as I would like, but good luck on your stats goals!

11 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
2nd Aug 2013 09:16

Disobey ??? Ball gown female costume
Dooge ??? Love Dress
Moiz ??? Queen of Hearts Dress
Conures ??? Extra Pet Giftbox
Lubbzy ??? Beautifol
Thomas ??? Aeroclipse
iPhennix ??? Finlia
skaterdude ??? Cherese
Beanzy ??? Opticol
JoeIse ??? Precieux

  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 13 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 24 days ago