Dear Staff...
10 years, 10 months & 6 days ago

16th May 2014 05:43
I usually log on from my laptop but have just started logging on from my phone as well. Not sure how it works (with the whole IP address thing) but I just thought I would make a note of it. Thank you!

I just recently moved in with a friend so my IP address has changed.
A special Thank you...
16 years, 2 months & 21 days ago

31st Dec 2008 00:26
A special thank you goes out to 2 people... friends, for making Mara very special for me, for helping me reach goals on here I could only dream of achieving, for trusting me and being my friend.
Your names will be left anonymous but you should know who you are. I just want to sincerely and gratefully say... Thank you!

About The Layouts I Make
16 years, 5 months & 6 days ago

15th Oct 2008 14:17
Just so everyone knows, I make custom layouts using sweetie13's layout coding. I have indeed ask for her permission to use her coding and sell the layouts and she has given me the permission to do so.
This is here so no one thinks that I have stolen coding that I was given permission to use.
Thank you!

I am ___ months old!
16 years, 7 months & 22 days ago

29th Jul 2008 23:49
You joined Marapets on March 8, 2007, 6:45 am
Congratulations! You have passed 5,190 Days Old and won 2,250,000MP.
17 years, 4 months & 10 days ago

12th Nov 2007 10:35
You were in the top 400 highest Birthday Party Event winners. You have been given a Party Pooper Trading Card.
Congratulations! You were in the top 250 for the 2007 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt!
You have just received a RIP Trading Card and 1,000,000MP.
Thanks for playing Marapets!!
You have adopted the Marapet .Kiss. the yellow Echlin from the Maradan Pound for 41,100MP.