Fear Is A Disease; The Only Cure Is Hope -Story-
16 years, 3 months & 8 days ago

5th Dec 2008 16:46
"That's what I always loved about you, Zero." Spoke the twenty-two year old blonde named Kairi. She was lazily sitting against an old cement wall on an old, unused and forgotten street. The clouds hung low in the air threatening to pour its whole being out, the air was thick with sorrow, but no trace of fear. The moon cast a shadow over the two, the girl was wearing black skinny jeans, and the black and purple long sleeved shirt. The younger male, around eight-teen, standing before her, his green eyes never leaving hers, his black dress up shirt crinkled, the bottom of his jeans were ripped because they were too long. His arm stretched out towards her gripping something in his hand, but his arm was shaking and a look of sadness was painted over his face, he almost looked as if he were ready to break down and cry.
"I could always read you, like a book." Kairi spoke again. "Remember what I always say; Fear is a disease; it's only cure is Hope.."
"I'm sorry, Kai." Zero finally broke their eyes contact to look at the item placed in his hand: A gun; not the strongest, but it would get the job done. It was also his first gun, the one Kairi gave him, when they first met.
"I always thought of you as my little brother. I taught you everything I know. Now you have to take care of yourself."
Zero nodded. "You knew this was going to happen didn't you?"
"It's a good day to die." Kairi spoke ignoring his question.
"I'm not wearing a vest, so you can shoot me anywhere but the face, that's the only thing I really like about myself." Kairi spoke softly as she looked up at the full moon.
"I joined your gang because I respected you, and looked at you as an example. I looked up to you." Zero spoke up, his voice cracking.
"My final tip. Be quiet when you kill someone. I taught you better then that."
"Yes mam" Zero yelled, as tears threatened to slide down his pale cheeks.
"Don't leave prints when you get rid of the gun."
"Yes mam!" Zero replied as the tears came.
"And make sure to burn your clothes."
"Yes mam!"
"Most important,don't forget about love."
"Because all you need is love." Kairi whispered loudly, as she looked back at Zero and smiled. Then a loud bang rang through the old ally way, but it was in the old part of town, so the only thing it was heard by was some stray cats, then all went black.
*Four years earlier*
"Hey Kairi! Your gonna help this town thrive again! We really need your help, come on! Please say yes, do it for me. So, what do you say? For Me?" The chubby mayor of Haven Town begged.
The currently nineteen year old by the name of Kairi shook her head quickly with a huge smile. "I won't let you down sir! I'll help you bring this town back to life." She was currently dressed in black knee-high socks, mini-jean skirt that she made her own with a bunch of stupid pins, she was also wearing a pink tank-top with a gray jacket. She smiled as she left the office of the chubby mayor, and walked into the sunlight of Haven Town, it was large enough to be a city, it was painted different colors, and large buildings lined the streets. "Hey, girl! Hurry up! Were burning time." A small group of men stood off to the side, they looked beat up, one of them had stitches lining his face, he had shaggy brown hair, slightly tan skin, he seemed to be the leader, there was another man, his hair was black and gelled back, he had tan skin and dark sunglasses; by the looks of it, he was the right hand man. Then there was the last man, spiked blonde hair, some scars here and there, black eyes and pale. They were all wearing a suit, nicely dressed. Kairi's heart skipped a beat as she looked at the other people, quickly noticing that they were, respected and feared in this town, they destroyed anyone who got in there way. No, destroyed was lightly put, they made sure that the people they killed were erased from existence. Kairi shook her head, forcing herself to snap out of her thoughts and back into reality. "Coming!" She called out as she ran over to the three gang members. "We have work to do." The leader, Scar (Shocker) announced.
Then next couple days weren't very hard, just mapping out the town. The town was scary at night, you don't want to be caught without a gun, or any-kind of weapon. Because your just a corpse walking, if you think different, try surviving a night in this town.
"How the hell did I get here?" Kairi whispered to herself as the roar of a machine gun fired in her direction, the dust and pebbles from the chimney bounced off her back, she wanted to cough, just a small one. Just to clear her throat. She let go of her gun that was laying beside her and rolled on her back. She wish she could say that the moon hung low in the sky. But there wasn't even a moon visible, the sound of gun shots rung in the background. "God, this town is totally different at night. Okay, let's think this over: I'm on a rooftop, getting shot at by an unknown sniper thats on the building across the street from me. Kairi peaked over the edge of the small wall that outlined the top of the building, a car pulled up to the building across from her. She seen a shadowy come out of the building and walk up to the side of the car; a messenger. Sh quickly took a small gun out of her jacket pocket, sitting up she took aim at the messenger. She's killed before, and wasn't going to stop now, she was already in to deep. Kairi yelped a bit as she felt something lodge into her shoulder, she fell back cursing to herself silently. But, she admired the sniper that sat across from her, she admired his aim, his silent movements, his ability to blend in with other objects and his excellent eyesight.