9 years, 4 months & 7 days ago

9th Nov 2015 00:02
I'm not consistently on mara so we'll see how this goes...
'Thank you for buying Native Dakota Potion for 73,588MP'
'Thank you for buying Empty Bag of Jelly Beans for 3,245MP'
'Thank you for buying Cynthia Tattoo for 6,993MP'
Lending 13+ Avatars!
9 years, 10 months & 28 days ago

18th Apr 2015 12:06
Willing to haggle!
Maramail if interested. See * at bottom.
IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS/PETS ARE MISSING YOU WILL BE REPORTED. With the exception that you return it within time that I receive a maramail, then it is fine. Just taking precautions.
'Pearls' Avatar: Have one of each type of pearl (46) in your inventory.
Fee: 100,000 MP
-In trades
-Yes, it may be expensive but the total cost of 46 pearls is a lot greater than the fee that I am charging for-Must return immediately by putting it back into trades, or send them to me somehow
'Pretty' Avatar: Have 25 red roses in your inventory.
Fee: 15,000 MP
-In trades
-Must return immediately by putting it back into trades, or send them to me somehow
Instrument Avatars Available (all on _anabella_): To obtain, go to her instruments list, all avatars should appear at the top or bottom of the page.
Fee: 64,000 to accept + tip 100,000 MP's
-Electric guitar
*Price for the instrument avatars may seem expensive, but keep in mind you are paying for fees for exchange (both receiving and returning) as well as the price for
Fourteen Avatars. AGAIN, IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS/PETS ARE MISSING YOU WILL BE REPORTED. With the exception that you return it within time that I receive a maramail, then it is fine. Just taking precautions.
*I have done this transaction many times, and refunds WILL be given if and only if this did not work.
Marapets Goals
9 years & 11 months ago

15th Apr 2015 16:15
Little goals for myself, because I have been a member for so long- yet I have accomplished basically nothing
This is going to be so hard oml motivation where are you

[ ] 25 million mp
[ ] 35 million mp
[ ] 45 million mp
[x] Reach 350 Wardrobe items
[ ] Reach 400 Wardrobe items
[ ] Buy a Vlad Party Dress
[ ] Buy Female Gothic Platforms
[ ] Complete Premium Hair Map
[ ] Restock an LE Potion
[x] Restock a Costume
[ ] Change _anabella_'s name
[ ] Change _anabella_ into a Decadal
[ ] Get a Minipet Costume for _anabella_
[ ] Finish Temple of Tableus
[x] Finish Temple of Transformation
[ ] Finish Temple of Transformation (again)
[ ] Finish Troll Mission
[x] Finish Hospice Mission
[ ] Finish Hospice Mission (again)
[x] Host a Giveaway
Missions/Temples Progress
10 years & 24 days ago

22nd Feb 2015 13:55
Just to keep track of what I've done!
Mission: Hospice
Progress: 30/30
Reward: Pink Crikey Potion & 250,000MP
Date Finished: 2/27/11
Mission: Hospice
Progress: 7/30
Date Finished:
Mission: Ublish
Progress: 3/30
Date Finished:
Temple: Transformation
Progress: 30/30
Date Finished: 3/29/2015
Temple: Tableaus
Progress: 13/30
Date Finished:
Temple: Transformation
Progress: 6/30
Date Finished:
Mission: Troll
Progress: 2/30
Date Finished: