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I go by mistypain or Oubliette
  1. Clubbie Appreciation ATM 2.0
    18th Feb 2024 08:13
    1 year & 26 days ago
  2. ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game Tasks
    19th Dec 2022 16:09
    2 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  3. ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game and Christmas Day Raffle
    19th Dec 2022 15:59
    2 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  4. ATM 2.0 Clubbie Appreciation Nominations
    20th Dec 2019 03:24
    5 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  5. Begging
    22nd Aug 2008 22:04
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  6. Avvie/Goal Lending
    22nd Aug 2008 21:57
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
Clubbie Appreciation ATM 2.0
1 year & 26 days ago
18th Feb 2024 08:13

Lately I have been thinking a lot about grateful I am for all my family and friends. I am also grateful for everyone I have met here on mara, all my clubbies and those that have helped me when I needed a hand.
As I contemplate how lucky I am I felt it would be a wonderful idea to let people know how appreciated they are for all their kindness, generosity and willingness to lend a hand.

If you would like to nominate a clubbie for this honor please send me your nominations and tell us the reason why you chose that person via mm. Who made the nomination will be kept private and not shared with anyone but myself. But the person nominated and the reason they were chosen will be posted to this blog after the completion of the event so everyone can see all the lovely things said about their clubbies. All nominations will receive a prize but the clubby with the most nominations will get to work with me to choose an item from my trades, attic or gallery that i have more than one item of in appreciation for everything they do.

You can begin nominations now. One vote per person. All nominations must be in by 2/28/24. Nominations will be counted and prizes distributed on 2/29/24.

I can't wait to see all the wonderful people have to say about their fellow clubbies.

Quotes from mm sent by clubbies identifiers will be left out with a couple exceptions lol

1)hi hun! what a wonderful contest! thank you for sponsoring. so many amazing clubbies that it's hard to nominate just one, but i'd like to nominate (blank) works so hard to include all clubbies in club events, sponsors so many wonderful quizzes and raffles, always tags every clubbie online for the quizzes, saved me with the last level of my magic carpet journey recently, diligently tries to keep clubbies motivated and active, and is always kind and generous. she is outright AMAZING! again, thanks for sponsoring this contest. you are amazing, too!

2)Hi there, What a lovely contest! And you're a lovely person to have thought of it. I nominate (blank)who is just amazing and will go way out of her way to help clubbies. Once she saved me from failing Penitentiary at level 29, creating a pet and maramailing people. I would love (blank) to get a nice prize. Thanks!

3)For me (blank) is the most helpful person in atm. (Blank) frequently hosts games and always willing to help out on events whenever (blank) is online.

4)I'd like to nominate (blank). (Blank) is a very active member who goes out of their way to help any way (blank) can. I know I can always count on (blank)!

5)My nomination is (blank) because (blank) is SO helpful whether it be getting clubbies items they need for collections or quests etc!

6)I think (blank) is a helpful player. (Blank) guided me to the club in the first place and I’ve seen (blank) help so many other club members aside from myself. (Blank) really goes above and beyond I feel!

7)I would like to nominate (blank) for all their hard work making sure we have quizzes to answer even if we answer them very quickly. I appreciate the tags as well so that I know when new quizzes are up

8)Hey, I would like to nominate (blank)(blank) works tirelessly and selflessly to put on so many fun events for the club, and it's honestly been the only reason to keep me coming back to Mara during a lull in site events. I really appreciate their work to give us a little community!

9)I nominate (blank) (blank) is a kind person who keeps the club active with quizzes and always tags us for a heads-up. Their positive energy in the club chat is awesome! I must say this was a difficult decision because there are others who are also lovely. I wish I could choose more than one.

10)Hi Oubliette. Glad you're well. This is a lovely thing you are doing. There are several clubbies who deserve the honor and it's so very very hard to choose among them and I can't. Gwylynnsgarden, Dani, and Victorianartist have each been through hell with health issues or loss of home. Each is always willing to answer a question or put up a quiz or send a needed item. They are kind, helpful, and generous and I love each of them. That's why I cannot vote for a single clubbie. I appreciate you all.

11)I’d like to nominate (blank) as (blank) has warmly welcomed me back after being mostly inactive for the last three years or so. (Blank) also sent me a couple Valentine event instruments to help me finish my pet’s collection.

12)It is actually hard to choose just one person, we have a bunch of people in our club who are always so helpful and nice. But I nominate (blank) since I feel like I see them being always helping and chatting and just being overall great club mate

13(blank)Always helped me. I do pray she is well. Gwylynnsgarden & Victorianest I couldn't find the correct spelling also helped when I asked for it. All our club members in the lead have helped me willingly without question. Always friendly and pleasant. I do love our club.

ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game Tasks
2 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
19th Dec 2022 16:09

Day 1 tasks
1. Spread some holiday cheer by singing Christmas Carols to 10 marapets members (if you are unable to sing carols mm for an alternate task)
2. Visit Krampus hopefully your pets have been nice
3. Complete a mission of your choice
4. Help Santa Claws by completing 5 of his quests
5. Get festive by placing one holiday/Christmas item from your wardrobe on or around your doll

Day 2 tasks
1. Visit the Christmas Tree today to try to win a cracker
2. Complete 5 Secret Santa quests
3. Complete a mission of your choice
4. Sing carols until you receive an instrument. If you don't have an approved costume sing 8 carols
5. Don't forget to visit the advent calendar

Day 3 Tasks
1. Visit Krampus
2. Complete a mission of your choice
3. Complete 5 Santa Claws quests
4. Visit one of the plushie machines they make great gifts
5. Try and win a good holiday/Christmas deal by visiting the daily discount

Day 4 tasks
1. sing 10 Christmas carols
2. Help the local businesses this season by buying an item from one of the biala mountain shops
3. Complete 5 Secret Santa quests
4. Play newth racing
5. Add a holiday/Christmas item to one of your collections. If you can't add an item under 500k because you are a master collector you can play a game from biala mountain instead

Day 5 tasks
1. Krampus is getting impatient for Christmas. Visit him 3 times today
2. Do 5 Santa Claws quests
3. Don't forget to show your pets Christmas love by feeding them a tasty bakery item. Only feeding 1 pet is necessary
4.Buy an item from one of the shops in Biala Mountain
5. Try scoring yourself an outfit for Christmas or maybe an ugly sweater... visit the clothing rack or vending machine

Bonus tasks- for each bonus task completed you will earn an ornament pick and raffle entry

1. Sing 30 carols -it's Christmas Eve we need all the cheer we can get in this winter storm (if you aren't affected you are very lucky lol)

2. Secret Santa needs a ton of help this Christmas Eve. Give him a hand by completing 20 quests

3. Poor elf has been forgotten at the pot of gold this year. Visit the pot of gold 4 times today. I hope Elf is full of Christmas giving

ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game and Christmas Day Raffle
2 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
19th Dec 2022 15:59

Welcome to the Christmas ornament game. Each day from now until Christmas Eve I will post 5 tasks to complete in my Christmas Ornament Game Tasks blog. Please mm me prior to starting your tasks so I can verify they get done. Once I give you the greenlight to begin your tasks you may then complete them. mm again to let me know they are finished. You only need to mm me before the first task of the day and the last task of the day not prior to each task. Once you complete all 5 tasks for the day I will mm you you have completed them. For each day you complete all five tasks you will receive a small prize, an entry into my Christmas Day Raffle and you also be able to choose a Christmas ornament. Each ornament will be listed here represented by a number. Once I mm to go ahead and choose an ornament you come to this blog to choose a number from the list. As each ornament is chosen it will be removed from the list so no ornament can be chosen twice. Each ornament holds a prize to be won to include items, au, additional ornament picks and additional raffle entries. The last tasks will be posted Christmas Eve. You will have until Christmas Day at reset to complete all tasks for each day. After reset i will place all entries into an online generator to choose the winner. The winner of the Christmas Day Raffle will win an enchanted Christmas Vixen Plushie and The Little Christmas Tree DVD. Two second chance winners will receive a choice of one au item from the au shop worth 3 au or less. The second chance winners will also be chosen by the generator. Once you win a prize you will be ineligible to win another raffle prize. Each winner will be different Thank you for playing and Good Luck

Christmas ornament list

2, 4,
16, 21, 23, 24,
28, 30, 34, 35, 38,
40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47

Added ornaments 51, 52, 54, 55

ATM 2.0 Clubbie Appreciation Nominations
5 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
20th Dec 2019 03:24

During this time of year I am so grateful for my family and friends. I am also grateful for everyone I have met and those that have helped me when I needed a hand.

During this time of year when I contemplate how lucky I am I felt it would be a wonderful idea to let people know how appreciated they are for all their kindness, generosity and willingness to lend a hand.

If you would like to nominate a clubbie for this honor please send me your nominations via mm. Your nomination will be kept private and not shared with anyone but myself. All nominations will receive a prize but the clubbie with the most nominations will receive a viotto maker in appreciation for everything they do.

You can begin nominations now. All nominations must be in by 12/30/19. Nominations will be counted and prizes distributed on 12/31/19.

16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
22nd Aug 2008 22:04

Please do not maramail me begging for free items, mp, pets or anything else. If i am feeling generous and want to give things away it will not be to someone who is begging. I don't mind if you want to know if i am selling/trading any of my items/pets as long as you don't expect to get them for free. begging is against the rules and is really annoying.

  1. Clubbie Appreciation ATM 2.0
    18th Feb 2024 08:13
    1 year & 26 days ago
  2. ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game Tasks
    19th Dec 2022 16:09
    2 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  3. ATM 2.0 Christmas Ornament Game and Christmas Day Raffle
    19th Dec 2022 15:59
    2 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  4. ATM 2.0 Clubbie Appreciation Nominations
    20th Dec 2019 03:24
    5 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  5. Begging
    22nd Aug 2008 22:04
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  6. Avvie/Goal Lending
    22nd Aug 2008 21:57
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago