Behind my pets names.
15 years, 2 months & 29 days ago

15th Dec 2009 05:20
Analisse- Was a kidlet that I adopted and turned into a pixie Chibs.
Bryania- Adopted, turned into a plant yuni
Celestrial- Angel chibs given to me by an old friend who quit Marapets awhile back, she made the pet in memory of her grandmother.
Fahd- Made for an old friend, who didn't want him. His name means protector of the royal.
Hervay- Named after a name on an old show.
Kashmira- Was a gothic tantua from an old friend, I turned her into a viotto.
Kenriek- Name means royal ruler, changed him into a royal Mordo.
Knutty_Hunny- Given to me by an old friend, years ago.
Kymberleigh- Turned into a mermaid ercuw a long time ago. Her name is one of my friends middle names,exact spelling.
Melieka- Was an old friends pet, turned into a easter tasi few months ago.
Minabug- Made after my real life nickname.
Mr.Oodle- Named after my cat who passed away October 2nd,2009.
Musambi- I have no clue where I got the name for, used to be a gothic sindi. The name had some meaning, don't remember it though.
Shiny_Hunny- Given by the same friend as knutty_hunny.
Supersammers- Named after my old guinea pig named SWammy. (His nickname was Sammers.)
Uiva- Got her name from a random name generator,lol.
Wiwmunk- Just adopted the pet form the pound and statted him.
_Mina_-Abbreviation of my real life nickname.
_Nilla_- Used to be a cheese poera, I wanted the name to be Vanilla so I just made it this.
Szyer- Adopted from the pound, but liked the name so changed into a punk dakota.
I do not trade pets.