M:// 25 Facts About Mia

10 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
28th May 2014 09:4525 FACTS ABOUT MIA
1) I'm doing this because it's what everyone's doing and I'm bored.
2) I like animals, and anything that is cute and fluffy.
3) My hobbies consist of writing about random stuff, drawing, reading fan-fictions, playing PC games, listening to music, daydreaming, and sleeping.
4) I like to be random.
5) I dislike people who only talk to negotiate because I find them boring.
6) I love Anime. Bishies FTW! Whoo!
7) I think more than I talk in reality.
8) I speak English and Tagalog, but I can understand a little bit of Japanese and Portuguese.
9) I ain't tall but I'm taking Tourism for college. (It's related to height 'cause I wanna be a flight attendant someday)
10) I'm a Filipino and I live in the Philippines.
11) I tend to forget what date/month it is now when I'm on vacations.
12) I have a sister who likes to draw doodles.
13) I'm too lazy to earn MP and update my shop's prices.
14) I only have 4-5 real friends IRL.
15) I love English and Science. I suck at Math.
16) K-POP isn't my cup of tea, and so is Twilight. *Dodges tomatoes thrown her way*
17) I'm a 16-year-old girl.
18) I have a mild case of OCD.
19) I love games that give you the ability to create. Little Big Planet and Sims are my favorite.
20) I like to help people out with their Marasites. I can manage a little bit of coding, after all.
21) Evergreen's the first club I actually grew to love.
22) ...And I seriously hate drama if I'm included.
23) The Fasoro has been my favorite pet ever since I started playing, which was on 2007. (This ain't my first account, peeps.)
24) I'm probably really unhealthy as I don't eat and sleep properly.
25) I'm still bored.
That's all. I have more facts about myself, but I'm too lazy to put them all in. Anyhoo, have a nice day! :3