Official Dark Member Blog!!!

13 years & 1 month ago
18th Feb 2012 07:16This is just a place to chat with fellow dark members in a more private area than forums!
-Give away shop items to other dark members that need them for quests
-Buy a lot of items from "Light Side Shops" and keep them in your attic for safe keeping (you don't know how long the war will last, or high inflation will go!)
-If you have a strong spot, mine is restocking, then focus on restocking when the time comes, but also participate in the other areas
-Do not sell to the Light Side! If they can't complete their quests they can get little to no points!
-Recruit only active members, all members that join affect our team points!
***If you have more war tactics just mm me! or post below!***
Restocking Times-
***If you have tools that you think others can use please let me know!***
Make sure to discuss your battle tactics and just have fun with the war! If you have questions about the war please mm me or ask other users below! Thanks a lot and LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!!!