Adult player
I suck at replying back to MM, so if the response takes a long time…
……Just send another message I will eventually return your message.
I have a couple of pets that aren’t for trade, you can message if you would like to make an offer.
I tend to go on and off marapets periodically, because I am a mom of 3 and work full time.
But I try to assist if someone that has requested help with certain things.
Don’t be afraid to message me, I don’t bite just suck at replying.
I don’t do friends requests anymore, because most of the good friends I made on here are no longer active. I tend to just go solo now, unable to connect because Mara has changed so much.
❤️No matter what road you take in life, it will never be fully paved.❤️
Post here: Here are the Instructions again, in case you forget.
Congrats you are a finalist in receiving Fragrance you are almost there.... Well maybe? You have to prove to me you want her? Beg, plead, make a complaining argument as to why you should have her.. I want to feel emotion and feel as if I should just give her to you straight away.... Yes this is your task.. I will make a blog.. Post your response there and make a valid argument with someone as to why they DONT deserve her... But you cant be mean or rude about and you must have evidence to back up what you are saying.. And remember this is just a game there are no hard feelings at the end... Be brave, Smart, and know your facts... Good Luck. You have 1 day to post on the Blog the winner will be chosen tomorrow night, If you truly want her then patients is key.
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 19:01
One more hour of apping...
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 19:01
True true lol
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 19:00
The name thing is annoying, but everyone is annoyed, so it's not a good reason
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:58
The newbies I have helped have all stayed except for two or three. I understand the name thing. I really want a pet named Shalott, as in the lady of Shalott.
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:56
That actually really irritates me >.> I'll search a pet name I like and it belongs to someone who played like a week and quite... It's rather frusterating... But Fragrance has such a nice name ^-^ I'm glad to see they all haven't vanished lol (:
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:52
Newbies.., who quit the day they join
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:51
Newbies... Asking for 1 mP clothes?
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:50
I would go get my own buuuut I can no longer affored anything I am willing to spend all my MP on my pets no matter the cost. Haha I want them to look their best, and if it means I go broke then I go broke ^-^ I'll get it back eventually lol.
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:49
@random most of the time, I will post one thing on a forum and get five or six maramails from people asking for more personal help. Mostly newbies. And almost everyone on my friend list added me because of how helpful and kind they find me.
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 25th Jan 2012 18:47