Alright, I'm new to graphics making, and this is fox is my first attempt at a pixel. Feel free to rate and critique. Happy to have a go at customs, though I can't do anything much bigger than the things below. Just mail.
Down the bottom there? Hehe, my newest creation. I was considering making some more to sell, with little variations. Please mail if you're interested in one
113 years, 11 months & 7 days ago 8th Apr 2011 16:43
I like the wolf thing I want one!
113 years, 11 months & 7 days ago 8th Apr 2011 16:41
There, I think I fixed it.
113 years, 11 months & 21 days ago 25th Mar 2011 18:09
Yup, I don't know what it statrted out as but it became an ermine XD.
It was supposed to be squiggly, like the white fluff that foxes usually have there. But it does look a bit odd- kinda the wrong angle. I can fix that though.
114 years ago 18th Mar 2011 14:31
Haha. <33
I love Fox and Ermine was it? Cute! There's a squiggly line between Fox's chin and hand, I think..were you intending that?
114 years ago 18th Mar 2011 14:29
Hehe, I was thinking about making more to auction- and perhaps you're right... I don't want my pixels stolen.
114 years ago 18th Mar 2011 14:27
I love the blue winged lion! You should auction it! ^^
Oh, and I reckon you should put your name on all of your cute graphics, just to make sure nobody steals. xD