114 years, 1 month & 4 days ago 9th Feb 2011 14:55
3 finalists or 5?
You decide!
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 9th Feb 2011 08:32
Hi,Hannah here sorry on hearing that you're quitting.... Well i would love to have mil because i'm trying to save up for costumes for my gizmo and for changing my pets either into LE's by using potions that would be bought or changing their current cossies into perfect ones
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 9th Feb 2011 05:28
thats a shame your leaving i would love the money to save up for a rainbow wig and rusty
P.s id like 1million-3.5million
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 8th Feb 2011 12:25
Sorry that you are quitting I would love more mp so i can save up for a pink zoink cause i lost my other one SugarLoveSweet in a long story and im not going to bore you
P.S i would like any amount just to get me started ThankYou for listening.
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 8th Feb 2011 11:50
Hay, I really feel bad to hear that you are quitting, I once stopped playing for a year.. My goal on marapets is to have all of that female clothing and a Lati.. If I could won it really would be appreciated,, Love,, Hotchick501
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 8th Feb 2011 11:33
Hi,my name is savanna.And im trying to win the 1milbecause i have never had so much money and im trying really hard to save up for a love lati potion (thats my dream pet).i will put the money in my bank with my 126k and keep saving upI would be so grateful and thankful if i win.
114 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 8th Feb 2011 11:06
Hey i am Julia, and it is sad that you are quiting :[ It feel's bad to see some one quit and then give there stiff away!! And i will be haapy to get 5 too but my goal is to get 1mil or 1.5 mil. and i am posting here becase i am trying to get ALL of my goals. On of thum is get 500k the 1mil but i us the bank. and i have 100k in there. :] But i will not spend i will pot it in my bank! Well that is all i have to say Duckie
114 years, 1 month & 6 days ago 7th Feb 2011 17:56
I'm sorry that you are quitting My name is Faye and I think I should win some MP because I have almost no money. All the money you see on my account is my total amount; I have absolutely nothing in the bank. I got banned with 14 mil and it truly is very hard to earn it all back, since I had been playing for about 3 years. I would also like some money for my dream pet, a Rusty. Please consider!
114 years, 1 month & 6 days ago 7th Feb 2011 17:39
Hello! Sorry to see you quit. =(
My name is licia. I'm just gonna go straight to the question.. Why would I like your MP? Honestly, I just restarted my account because my previous account was banned with allot of MP on it and I would like to redeem it all. Plus, with that MP, I would like to finish off my goals of getting a Toddler Costume & my very first LE pet. Good luck to everyone and bye bye
114 years, 1 month & 6 days ago 7th Feb 2011 15:23