So the question is, what would you do with 150 million mp? I know what I would do. -I would start a dream pet give away. Meaning I would hold a contest for writing or some thing, who ever wins (1st 2nd and 3rd place) would get an le potion. -I would become the Yuni queen . -I would get my best friend, LaFleur, all HIGH les... -I would start a non le dream pet granting and occasionally le dream pet granting. -I would donate the actual potion to dream pet funds...
Those are all of the things I would do with 150 mill mp. What would you do?? Post your answers here!
I would get all my dream pets, then have dream pet give a ways weekly.
115 years & 30 days ago 14th Feb 2010 10:03
I would first a midnight, fairy, and seasonal chibs. Then I would buy random GOOD LE potions, then do a give a way. Then i would save some, then promote myself as Zoink queen, because you stole yuni -drat-
115 years, 2 months & 26 days ago 18th Dec 2009 19:16
I would save 20 mil for myself and then donate the rest to poor maradians for free.
115 years, 3 months & 11 days ago 3rd Dec 2009 16:35
i would buy a chibs potion and a devil costume for him then have lots of givaways and give poor people 5,000 mp each
115 years, 6 months & 6 days ago 7th Sep 2009 07:24
I would get myself a seasonal chibs. A hobo Chibs, halloween ercuw and a enpiah yuni.
I would complete my costume collection.
Hold many Limited Edition potion and pet giveaway's and create a gift granting blog for the year.
Give all friends and other random players who are deserving a pet they have been working hard for.
Grant friends their dream pets or help them accomplish their goals.
115 years, 6 months & 6 days ago 6th Sep 2009 21:10
I would be the lati queen.
I would give my friends there dream pets.
I would donate the money to people in need of it
Help people
Have my dream pets
Have a good club
115 years, 6 months & 7 days ago 6th Sep 2009 17:12
-Be the Dakota Queen. -Have a Seasonal Chibs. -Get my best friend some High LE's. -Give away a a LE potion a week. -Have a successful club. -Restock.
115 years, 6 months & 7 days ago 6th Sep 2009 16:22
i would give away 25mil to poor peeops keep 125mill for my self then buy a rofling potion for 25mill and spend as much as i want but atleast have to have 50mill safe in my bank =D
115 years, 6 months & 7 days ago 6th Sep 2009 08:28
I would Buy 150 Million Yellow Gumballs
115 years, 6 months & 7 days ago 6th Sep 2009 08:26