I'm a giver

15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
24th Jul 2009 15:50MM me if you need something. I'll buy it and send it to you. (if it's not expensive to the extreme)
My list of stuff I gave
(there will be a nickname and then there should be a number of how many items i gave them)
mycousinissexi-21 items
hebicas-14 items
KahulaKow-1 item
LouisaPacius-22 items (and an Xmas Newth)
CatLover8888-1 item
TurnItUp-1 item
ohemgee26-13 and and 50,000 MP
DaUglyDuckling- 1 item
Moggs- 3 items
mleinda- 1 item
Hannah3453- 1 item
Britinna- 1 item
GingerTheDog6- 1 item
Keikko-16 items
Total Items given- 84 (and 1 pet and about 50,000 MP)