In Loving Memory

15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
9th Jul 2009 06:21Hi, my name is Candice. On July 3rd, we took my cat April to the vet because she wasnt feeling well and started to act strangely. When we got there, we were devastated to find out that she had cancerous tumors on both her kidneys. The vet told us that she was terminally ill, and that nothing could be done for her. We made the tough decision to put her down, put her out of her pain.
In her memory, I renamed my favorite marapet MyApril, because the name April was already taken. I would really want to make her a chibs to remember her forever. I already have 4mil, but still have a long way to go. Any donation, nomatter the size would count.
Thank You.
This is not a sob story. It would be cruel to make up something like this. April is truely special and if you think otherwise, please keep you comments to yourself
thank you's
Smiley805: 10K and Shaved Chibs Plushie <3