Unity *temple*

15 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
24th Jun 2009 12:44Unity's going through the temple to become angel. i figure by August or September, or even December, she'll be beautiful!
Please help too by donating by buying things from my shop.
People Helping me:

And if all else fails, CJ will help me!

Level 1: [x]
Rune T
Cost: 170k
Prize: Mummy Bread
Level 2: [x]
Rune A
Cost: 159k
Prize: 10,000 Mps
Level 3: [x]
Rune U
Cost: 139k
Prize: Simerian Necklace
Level 4: [x]
Rune N
Cost: 130k
Prize: 25k
Level 5: [x]
Rune A
Cost: Given to me from a friend *thanks Serena!*
Prize: Wooden Temple
Level 6: [x]
Rune Z
Cost: 150k
Prize: 50k
Level 7: [x]
Rune k
Cost: 170k
Prize:Unity has gained a level stat!
Level 8: [x]
Rune O
Cost: 192k
Prize: Simerian Pot
Level 9: [x]
Rune J
Cost: 129k
Prize: 75,000MP
Level 10: [x]
Rune B
Cost: 147k
Prize: Unity has gained 2 coordination stats!
Level 11: [x]
Rune A
Cost: 139k
Prize: Unity has gained 2 strength stats!
Level 12: [x]
Rune C, and Rune W
Cost: Given to me*thanks Emilia*, 139k
Prize: 100k
Level 13: [x]
Rune H, Rune N
Cost: 198k, 190k
Prize: Unity has gained 5 charisma stats!
Level 14: [x]
Rune K x2
Cost: 218k x2
Prize: Mummy Book
Level 15: [x] *halfway there!*
Rune A, Rune T
Cost: 318k, 173k
Prize: 1 Account Upgrade Credit
Level 16: [x]
Rune AE, Rune O
Cost: 322k, 140k
Prize: 125k
Level 17: [x]
Rune L, Rune N
Cost: 149k, 264k
Prize:Unity has gained 3 speed stats!
Congratulations! You found the 'Transubstantiation' Hidden Avatar!
Level 18: [x]
Rune W, Rune M
Cost: 268k, 250k
Prize: Mummy Dance
Level 19: [x]
Rune I, Rune C
Cost: 98k, 183k
Level 20: [x]*whoot almost done!*
Rune C, Rune N
Cost: 186k, 279k
Prize: Horus
Level 21: [x]
Rune AE, Rune AE
Cost: 149k, Got from friend. Thanks Robin! Ilu!
Prize: Unity has gained 10 magic stats!
Level 22: [x]
Rune C, Rune F, Rune U
Cost: *Thanks mom!*, 128k, already have.
Prize: The Mummy
Level 23: [x]
Rune T, Rune C, Rune C
Cost: 145k, 198k, 199k
Prize: Unity has gained 5 health stats!
Level 24: [x]
Rune E, Rune N, Rune A
Cost: 120k, 337k, 264k
Prize: Unity has gained 10 Geography stats!
Level 25: [x] *whoot. only 5 more*
Rune N, Rune O, Rune K
Cost: 480k, 188k, 97k
Prize: 500k
Level 26: [x]
Rune G, Rune P, Rune N
Cost: 166k, 160k, 489k
Prize: Poseidon Trading Card
Level 27: [x]
Rune L, Rune T, Rune H
Cost: 117k, 169k, 129k
Prize: Transubstantiation Stamp
Level 28: [x]
Rune D, Rune N, Rune D
Cost: 98k, 469k, 99k
Prize: 750k
Level 29: [x]
Rune D, Rune O, Rune U
Cost: 145k, 209k, 192k
Prize: 2 Account Upgrade Credits
Level 30: [x] *yay!!!!*
Rune Q, Rune T, Rune S
Cost: 125k, 168k, 125k
Prize: Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Temple of Transubstantiation!!!
You can now change your pet to a colour of its choice next time you visit this Temple.
Unity changed colour to angel!