What do I know of Holy?

16 years & 27 days ago
21st Feb 2009 10:29Not much? But I know that He is real! He is the only God! And He sent Jesus for us!
Psalm 23
The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not be in want
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me besides quiet waters
He restores my soul
Even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I feel no fear, for You are with me, Your Rod and Your Staff, they comfort me.
I love these Verses.
Listen to these songs:
These are so awesome!
I really needed this song today. Listen to it, it helped me.
I have been so mad lately, and I feel almost like no one really knows or listens. But God does, here is this song that has helped me a lot. And I love listening to it. It makes me realize what I'm actually thinking about. And what's actually right.
???Copy And Paste This???
???If You??? Believe???
???Christianity is???
???NOT Just A Religion???
???It's A Relationship???
???Let Your Lights Shine Bright???
???For Christ Is To Return Soon???
??? Love Jesus ??? 5/14/09