Lending Avatars

16 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
21st Dec 2008 06:08Festival---10k---Have a Festival minipet in your inventory and click on it
Miort----10k ---Attach a Miort to one of your pets
Fidge---5k---Equip a pink fidge to your pet and view the minipet
Fatty---10k---Attach 5 different coloured fattys to your pet and view your pet.
Olvic----15k---Equip an Olvic to one of your pets then view the minipet.
Photo Parlour(leroy360)---Take a photo of your Shaved Walee at the Photo Parlour
Batz(sophia_fia)---Unattach a Batz from your pet after 11(?) days
Dracone(sophia_fia)---Attach a pink dracone to your pet for 28 days then view it's profile
Lela---20k---Equip an Olvic to one of your pets then view the minipet.
Pinto---20k---Equip an Pinto to one of your pets then view the minipet.
Gumball Addict---30k---Have 1 of every gumball in your inventory.
(you need to have your on costume)
Attach a chibi to your pet when you are wearing a chibs character costume
View your pets books when it has read the book of secrets
foxy_one161b [48,450MP to accept]