I miss him so much,he looked exactly like a furry chibs and his name was Tiger.he died in my living room floor and he looked so horrible when he was just lieing there,that day he wouldnt come around me and he had cancer and we had to give him his medician[sorry about spelling] and my mom held him so we would take it and he just started bleeding out of his mouth and he looked like he was having a seizer I started crying and i cried so much i had a migrain and i couldnt sleep all night.and my mom thinks it was her fault but i know it wasnt.so please donate so i can get a furry chibs potion and name him Tiger
115 years, 1 month & 13 days ago 29th Jan 2010 14:27
awww i will help
115 years, 9 months & 3 days ago 10th Jun 2009 11:56
Your Cat I Really Can,t Belive That My Cat Never Had That Stuff I Really Wish That I Were There Two Help
115 years, 11 months & 9 days ago 3rd Apr 2009 05:10
One Time My Cat Ran Away Years Ago And She Came Back That Is Soo Sad I Can,t Belive ThatI Love Cats Dearly If I Could I Would Adopt All Wild Cats I have Five Cats One Has Something Called Mage But I Still Love Her One Time My Two Beautiful Cats Were Thorwn Out The Door They Never Left The House They Stayed In The Garage I Think They Were Afraid Of Going Other Places My One Went Across The Shreet Maybe That,ll Be Under The Shreet
115 years, 11 months & 9 days ago 3rd Apr 2009 05:09
Awww thats so sad!!!!!!!!
116 years, 1 month & 13 days ago 29th Jan 2009 15:38
omg im so srry for your pet lost same thing with my cat he looked like a black chibs his name was Mickey we went and got him neutered and when we took him home he licked his stitches cuz the vet didnt put the stitches inside and he started bleeding because when he licked the stitches they came undone and he died there when we took him back there and my mom was pregnant and she was crying so she got all worked up and i was only about 7 and im 10 now and my mom was only 26 so but im so srry for your lost
116 years, 1 month & 17 days ago 25th Jan 2009 16:00
i have got a cat aswell which looks like a furry chibs called edward (cause my last name is edwards)he hasnt dies but i had a cat bfore him called edwards aswell(my brother named them he calls all his cats edwards)and he got ran over by the ice-cream van wheer i used to live and i never had another ice-cream off him again...i will try to donate
116 years, 2 months & 10 days ago 2nd Jan 2009 14:26
Aweee...Im gonna try to buy everything from your shop!
116 years, 2 months & 14 days ago 30th Dec 2008 12:10
my best friend had a cat and it had 3 kittens and 1 of them died and then another died a day after then 2 days later the other 1 died the follwing month her cat died and it was pregnant again and the babies died inside her stomouck
116 years, 2 months & 14 days ago 29th Dec 2008 13:53