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  1. Note to Self.
    26th Feb 2009 17:18
    16 years & 19 days ago
  2. Note to Staff.
    21st Feb 2009 10:32
    16 years & 25 days ago
  3. Buying!!!
    21st Feb 2009 10:28
    16 years & 25 days ago
  4. Max
    3rd Nov 2008 15:12
    16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  5. Never in a Million bajillion years.
    30th Sep 2008 17:56
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  6. Good People
    24th Jun 2008 06:52
    16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  7. R.I.P. Max 3/12/08
    16th Mar 2008 16:15
    17 years & 1 day ago
16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
3rd Nov 2008 15:12

Without a Doubt

Just a few months ago I witnessed something that can never be forgiven. I watched the life of a puppy slowly die away. The day was long and I didn???t expect it to come, but for some reason God had to take him. His name was Max, short for Maximus Arelus from the movie the Gladiator. Max was 9 weeks and 1 day old. I owned Max for 2 weeks and 4 days. They were the best days to have and the worst to lose.
When my family and I went to pick him up from the airport the first day I just stared into his big, bright green eyes. I spoke to him and gently pet his head, which made him submit on the spot. He was very small but his paws were very big. He was a black and rusty red Doberman pinscher. He was in my opinion times a million the cutest puppy in the world. Others thought the same. We spent the last 2 weeks having a lot of fun and playing. I trained you and you learned a lot of things. Although I didn???t get to teach you play dead you still knew how to do it.
Time went by very quickly but I cherished every moment with him. He was a very obedient dog and we grew very close. The day came that he had to get his ears cropped and I regret ever agreeing to do it. I spent my whole day at school wondering if the surgery went as planned. I didn???t want to worry. Once I got on the bus to head home I got a call from my Dad. He told me that Max passed away during surgery. I didn???t believe him so I hung up the phone.
Once I got home they took me to the vet. At the vet I had noticed the nurse talking to the doctor. My dad walked up to them and we were all sent into this cramped room. In front of me was a body under a very thin white blanket. The doctor had lifted the blanket up to his neck. His ears were completed but Max was not moving. He was not breathing, not even a blink. I started to cry when the doctor told me not to lift the rest of the blanket up. Soon everyone had started to ball up except for my dad. I ran outside to find an old lady asking me to adopt her old and wrinkly dog. I just pushed her out of the way and ran into the car and cried.
When I got home I went to my room and cried until I fell asleep. I didn???t want any of this to go wrong, let alone have my puppy killed. I still think about my last day with him, I was getting ready to leave the door to go to the bus stop and my dad reminded me to wish Max good luck on his surgery. I ran to the garage and gave him a big hug. I whispered into his ear and told him everything would be all right. I asked him to give me the paw as I headed for the door. As usual he gave me both and bowed his head to me. I kissed it and said I???ll be back later Max. Turns out I did see him but on a cold metal bed, dead.
I thought about all the fun we had while he was alive. The first day I had him he fell into the pool and he swam back to us. He enjoyed the backyard and all of its amenities. He enjoyed baths and sleeping on our laps. Max was a very obedient dog and he was a fast learner. I never had a chance to teach him many things though. I wish I had him for as long as I have my current Doberman. My dad told me about the day that Max was brought to the vet; he pawed at his reflection on the glass thinking it was another dog. He couldn???t help but laugh. That was the last time my dad smiled that day, only to find out he wouldn???t be leaving the vet with a dog, but with an empty heart.

I will never ever forget Max but for the mean time I have bigger problems to worry about. I am currently training my ???replacement???, as the surgeon put it. Max the second is as healthy as the first, but I won???t ever think of him as a ???replacement??? to Max the first. I???m sure Max the first would???ve grown into a healthy dog just like Max the second. I love both of them dearly. Besides I???m sure Max is having fun in Heaven right now. I mean all dogs go to Heaven right?

This is dedicated to Maximus Arelus.
May you rest in peace and I hope to see you again.
I love you.
R.I.P. Max 3/12/08

True story.
This is a rewrite of the original on my blog.

Aww Im sorry for your loss. I dont know how much better my life would be if he were still alive. Max the second is a very rowdy doggie, but he has a tameable spirit. I send my condolenses.
115 years, 9 months & 6 days ago 10th Jun 2009 10:35
we took our dog Lassie a beatiful golden retriver to the animal shelter for a week problem is they didn't tell us the deadline which was 2 days so when we went over to pick her up they told like we were idiots sorry we already killed your dog my little sister cried and fell into my lap and my mom started shouting bad words at the people there and fighted back tears our new dog is nothing like Lassie Baby is lazy always hungry and would be a better gaurd dog so I feel the same way you do
115 years, 9 months & 6 days ago 10th Jun 2009 08:25
116 years & 3 days ago 15th Mar 2009 10:49
I'm so sorry about Max. May he rest in peace.
116 years & 5 days ago 12th Mar 2009 18:46
I cant if I dont live around there anymore.
116 years & 17 days ago 28th Feb 2009 15:21
I know.
116 years & 1 month ago 15th Feb 2009 08:54
wow poor max
116 years, 1 month & 3 days ago 12th Feb 2009 13:55
I hate that vet.
116 years, 1 month & 6 days ago 8th Feb 2009 15:10
every time i pass a vet i start to get all teary eyed.
116 years, 1 month & 12 days ago 2nd Feb 2009 21:06
Omigod! i am bawling! im soooooo sorry!
116 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 26th Jan 2009 16:54
  1. Note to Self.
    26th Feb 2009 17:18
    16 years & 19 days ago
  2. Note to Staff.
    21st Feb 2009 10:32
    16 years & 25 days ago
  3. Buying!!!
    21st Feb 2009 10:28
    16 years & 25 days ago
  4. Max
    3rd Nov 2008 15:12
    16 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
  5. Never in a Million bajillion years.
    30th Sep 2008 17:56
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  6. Good People
    24th Jun 2008 06:52
    16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  7. R.I.P. Max 3/12/08
    16th Mar 2008 16:15
    17 years & 1 day ago