what haloween costume r u

16 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
1st Nov 2008 09:01this will say what haloween costume u r when u find out comment on it sayin wot u r and yor user there r 3 questions so here we go
1 what is yor fav haloween costume ever
a witch
b devil
c vampire
d pumkin
2 what do u normally do for haloween
a have a party
b go trick or treating
c go 2 a party
d nothing
3 who do u hang around with on haloween
a your mates duh
b your parents
c your whole family they all cum round
d nobody
A if u got mostly a then u r a pumkin costume u luv 2 live life 2 the max
B if u got mostly b then u r a cat costume u spend all yor time wiv the family your a luving and caring cat
C if u got mostly c then u r a devil costume because yor whole family come round but u ditch them 2 go 2 a party
D if u get mostly d then u r a witch u spend a super scary holiday by your self