What are YOU!?~

16 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
23rd Jun 2008 07:07PREP:
[x] You own something from Aeropostale
[x] You own something from Hollister
[x] You own something from American Eagle
[x] You own something from Abercrombie
[x] You have blond or brown hair
[x] You've been called a prep-by someone who was the opposite of one
[x] You have converse
[x] You wear flats
[ ] You don't play sports
[x] You straighten your hair
Multiply by 10
Total: 90%
[ ] You have guys/girls all over u
[ ] You know the song 'Lean like a cholo'
[ ] You listen to Down aka Kilo
[ ] You usually wear jerseys
[x] You've held a real gun
[x] You own nikes
[x] You play basketball or football
[ ] You never wear pink
[ ] You've been called a gangster
[ ] You listen to bay a rea music
Multiply by 10
total: 20%
[x] You've worn black nail polish
[x] You like 'my chemical romance'
[x] You wear black eyeliner or black mascara
[ ] You have no friends
[ ] You usually wear black
[ ] You've been called emo
[ ] You have ( had ) black hair
[ ] l8y u rarely talk....sometimes
[ ] You sit in corners(
Multiply by 15
total: 40%
[ ]You have at least 5 medals
[x] You have at least 2 trophies
[ ] You have at least 4 jerseys
[x] You watch NBA playoffs
[x] You have at one time had something to do almost everyday
[x]You've played on a team
[ ] You've been called a jock
[x] You have been told your good at a sport
[ ] You've played in at least 7 tournaments
[] You've coached young kids in a sport
Multiply by 10....
total: 50%
[ ] You have at least 4 trophies for academic achievements
[x] You play(ed) in band or orchestra
[ ] You like to watch Jeopardy
[ ] You have watched the national spelling bee
[ ] Your favorite game/sport is chess
[x] You've been called a nerd
[x] You've been told you are very smart
[ ]You have ENJOYED one or two math tests
[ ] You've enjoyed one or two science tests
[ ] You've tutored a kid for fun
Multiply by 10
What are you?!?!? i'll be getting a siggie for each soon!!!!