???Dream Pet Thanks! Not all Les!!

16 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
19th May 2008 17:103/30/08: Thank you so much messanger009 and united93 for Sk8erkid! He is my Favorite and First LE!!! Its been so nice!! Thanks
3/31/08: Thanks once again messanger009 and united93 for lil_junior_chib for my friend! Second LE from u! Thanks AGAIN
4/1/08: thanks spiritlove1 for rosallita! My dream pet since I have started! You were so nice to do that! Rosa will help me with troll and tarquin! I love her

rosallita+Tambellina(her other she gave away)=friends forever!
4/17/08: Thanks Doll for belarus! Even though I came late you saw that I was good enough! Thanks, sorry I did not get to meet you before you quit

5/11/08: Thanks girlrock for Skatsa! My 3rd snookle. You are so nice! Still can't believe it!
5/12/08: Thanks vital for kokorua! Even though koko is just an [x] right now, koko is special. I came late and you had already picked inita but thank you for deciding me instead. Also Inita, I am glad we are still friends

6/6/08: Thanks ACEcHa0t1c for Akinal. I guess my app was good enough! I was off to make a graphic and when i got back I got an alert. I started freaking out when I saw "sent a pet"! My FIRST sindi! Thanks again ACEcHa0t1c!
6/12/08: Thanks Aderyn for Jovanize. It really touched me how you said that I stood out. I tried hard for the little Jova (Java, lol) I hope that I see you again and congratz on winning Air the other day. You are a nice person. Also would like to thank Crazy for being the assistant judge! Its harder work than people think. Thanks again to both of you and it was great to see almost all of my friend there too.

6/14/08: Thanks sarikoko for medele! the disco bolimo. Even though mede is not an le, she is so cute and special. She is on my friends account right now. I also thank you for the 5k BP! It will help a lot

6/21/08: Thank you jamiechill for Surrounded. Even though I got her as a first to post give away I am happy to own her. She has 8 stats and will have more when I start stating

Right now she is just a black bolimo but she is being zapped and I will whirl her once I get the map.
6/22/08: Thank you morgandanielle for Zaidyn. It was also a first to say give away but I got to give her to my friend who collects fasoros! (BelleFire) A little well-named eleka fasoro was a great gift

7/2/08: Thanks cancel for IZO! Thanks SO much luna....I hope alerts come back soon. I want him! XD